Makeup Just For Men…Yes or No?

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Makeup For Men…Yes or No?
Gentlemen, would you be open to wearing makeup for men? Ladies, would you be open to the man in your life improving his looks with a specially designed product just for him? Read on…
In all fairness, women have been accentuating their looks for decades with cosmetics, hair extensions, and a variety of other enhancement methods, while men have been forced/expected to keep it “Au natural.” For some women, the process has been so extreme that the before and after results didn’t look like the same person. Still, men were expected to ignore their blemishes and shaving discolorations in favor of a more basic look. However, all of that is about to change.
Fashion brothers Peter and Harry Brant have designed a collection of modern-day grooming and sculpting products for men, in an effort to change the concept of makeup and normalize the idea that gender makes no difference in the pursuit of attractiveness.
Consider a light foundation, that could be worn on the entire face or just to smooth out an annoying acne flare-up. Ponder a male pencil that could accent the eyebrows or provide natural-looking color to a spotty mustache or goatee. The Brant Brothers will be introducing these products and more with an upcoming unisex line for MAC cosmetics.
The thought of men wearing makeup is not at all new. Actors, models, news anchors, even politicians have been wearing it on-camera for years. In fact, some regular guys on the street have learned how to apply makeup so perfectly, no one can tell they’re wearing it.
“Men’s makeup has always been there, but it’s always existed in the shadows,” Harry Brant shared. “Male movie stars, a guy on a runway, even a delegate doing a national debate — they all wear makeup.”
Aside from a make-believe “man-code,” there is no rule that makeup is for women only. Yet men may have shied away from such products because that’s what they were expected to do or because of how the products were marketed and packaged. The same was true with certain lotions and hair products that were once considered “for women only” but are now under regular use by both men and women.
“Men’s vanity has always been something that’s looked down on, but I don’t see it as vanity so much as a way to project the best version of yourself to the world,” said Peter Brant, who believes the new line will change the dated view society seems to have about the male image.
Is it wrong for a man to want to look his best? Is it finally time for a makeup line for men? Tell us what you think.