Malaysian Jet May Never Be Found
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Malaysian Jet May Never Be Found
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Malaysian authorities have tried all avenues. Â They’ve followed promising leads down dead end roads. They’ve organized ships, submarines, helicopters, the military, even private jets to search large sections of the Indian Ocean to no avail. Â They even heard “pings” deep in the ocean over the weekend that were consistent with the sound of a black box “beacon” from a missing jet, but even those sounds have since disappeared.
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In a rushed and botched attempt to create closure, the Malaysian government announced to the families that it was safe to assume the plane had crashed and all passengers on board had died. However, distraught family members refused to accept that theory without even a trace of evidence that the plane had indeed crashed.
Assessments by Malaysian and Australian officials underscore the lack of knowledge authorities have about what happened on Flight 370. Â It also points to a dreaded but likely scenario that the fate of the Boeing 777 and the 239 people on board might remain a mystery forever.
“Investigations may go on and on and on. We have to clear every little thing,” Inspector General Khalid Abu Bakar said. “At the end of the investigations, we may not even know the real cause. We may not even know the reason for this incident.”
Searchers are still scouring the waters, but their optimism is “more cautious” now, said U.S. Navy Cmdr. William Marks. “As hours pass, our optimism is fading away, ever so slightly.”
This story is just so sad…the plane disappearing and then the totally incompetent handling of this entire matter, from Day #1, by the Malaysian government.
And don't even get me started on the absolutely shameful manner in which CNN opted to cover this story…smh.
I have my own thoughts about what I think might have happened to the plane. But at this point, we may never find out the truth.
My heart goes out to the families directly impacted by this disappearance. This has got to feel like an endless nightmare from which they may never wake…smh.
I agree with Truth. I feel for these families because I believe nobody will ever know what happened. The batteries in the black box only last a month and it's been a month today so if it crashed they won't find it. If they hijacked it they probably killed everybody and moved on. This is going to be an un solved mystery. Real sad story.
Sadly technology has failed with the Airlines incident. Lets hope for better days.