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Male Sexbots Could Replace Men Forever!

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Attention Ladies: If you’re single and without a date this Valentine’s Day, things could soon be about to change — thanks to Male Sexbots!

Yes, for Male Sexbots, the future is now.  The anatomically accurate robot has come a long way in design and now looks very much like a real human.  Long gone are the days of a rubber blow-up doll that men used for their bedroom fantasies.  That “doll” is now unbelievably life-like and can be either male or female.

Male Sexbots

Need someone to talk to (who will actually listen) after a long day at work?  Need someone to snuggle up to and fall asleep next to when you’re feeling lonely?  Need someone with a long “dong” who can satisfy your sexual needs at any hour, on any day, and for as long as you desire? According to the manufacturers of Male Sexbots, it is all possible.

If you’ve got a cool 10 grand lying around, you can have and specifically design the perfect man of your dreams down to the last detail.  Choose the height, weight, ethnicity, eye color, hair color, and yes — the size of his “manhood,” then have him delivered directly to your door. According to RealBotix, if you want a bionic penis of ANY size, “The sky is the limit.” Additionally, according to sexpert Karley Sciortino of VICE who actually had sex with a bot made by Sinthetics, it was 100 times better than a vibrator.

“It feels absolutely indistinguishable from a real person,” she said.

The bot is guaranteed to never backtalk, never tire of what you want to say or do, and always be ready to provide you with immeasurable pleasure at your beck and call.  Oh, and there’s never any worry about a sexually transmitted disease or him cheating on you.  He’s all yours and yours alone.

Male Sexbots

Now, before you laugh this off as a joke, consider the cutting-edge technology and money that has been invested in modern-day Male Sexbots.  They may never fully replace men, but they could soon become a very viable option.  Like it or not, this is the wave of the future.

Check out the video below for more details.  Who knows… maybe this could be your date for next year’s day of love.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


OK WASSUP! discusses Technology News:
Will Male Sexbots replace real men?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Hmm. I know you have heterosexual female readers DJ…I would love to hear what they think.

    I’m probably the last person who should comment on this (being a same-gender loving woman) so please forgive me for chiming in. But I certainly hope that the “sexbot option” DOESN’T catch on.

    Not knocking people who find it an acceptable option. To each his/her own.

    I will simply always prefer the Human touch.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  2. Haha oh boy this is too much. So basically this is a giant vibrator shaped like a man. LOL too funny. The sad part is I think these sex robots are going to catch on. People are lonely and don’t want to do the work to meet somebody they are compatible with. They want somebody to let them do whatever they want without complaining. Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money for it though.

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