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Man Who Awoke In Body Bag, Dies For Real

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Man Who Awoke In Body Bag, Dies For Real
The man who “woke up dead” in a body bag about 2 weeks ago has now died for real.

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Walter Williams of Mississippi was pronounced dead a few weeks back and transported to a funeral home for embalming.  While laying on a prep table inside the funeral home, something strange happened: the body bag moved.

According to Holmes County, MS, coroner Dexter Howard, “We got him into the embalming room and we noticed his legs beginning to move, like kicking. He also began to do a little breathing.  I was in shock.”

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An ambulance was called and when paramedics discovered he had a heartbeat, they transported him to the Holmes County Hospital and Clinics.  Williams’ health gradually improved and he was released a few days later.

However, Williams’ evasion of death was short lived, as the grim reaper called his number for real late last week.

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“They came and got him again around 4:15 a.m.,” Williams’ nephew, Eddie Hester said. “I think he’s gone this time.”

The coroner, who pronounced Williams dead the first time confirmed that he is in fact deceased this 2nd time around, due to natural causes.

When asked what the Williams case taught him, coroner Howard replied: “That miracles can happen. Every case I do is a learning experience.”

“It was a two-week miracle for me, and I enjoyed every minute of it, and my family did too,” Hester said.

Walter Williams was 78.

OK WASSUP! discusses the latest current events, including the 
presumed dead man who recently woke up inside a body bag 
at a funeral home, who has now passed away for real this time.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. [….]
    When asked what the Williams case taught him, coroner Howard replied: "That miracles can happen. Every case I do is a learning experience."

    No doubt.

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