The Russian Connection involving Donald Trump is becoming clearer by the day, with new plot twists involving Vladimir Putin, Russian operative Maria Butina, and more!
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Public sentiment regarding a nefarious link between Donald Trump and Russia has begun to shift in recent days. Additionally, there is an increasing belief inside Washington that Russia does indeed hold incriminating intelligence over Trump’s head that is influencing his behavior toward Putin. For example, many are now openly wondering why Donald Trump needed to meet in total secret with Vladimir Putin during their recent summit — without ANY American intelligence official or even political aide present?
In a surprise admission from Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, he still has no idea what was discussed during the 2-hour meeting between Trump and Putin. His disclosure is a frightening confirmation that the contents of Trump’s secret meeting are still a mystery at the highest levels of his own government.
“Donald Trump is now being investigated by the FBI for colluding with Vladimir Putin to affect the 2016 US election, and now, he is effectively colluding with Putin right now, meeting privately with Putin,” US national security analyst and military historian Max Boot said. “The top people in the US government who ought to know, including Director Coats, they don’t know,” he added. “Putin knows but Director Coats doesn’t know — that is wrong, especially given the highly suspect relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.”
What could the 2 men have possibly needed to discuss for Trump to insist that no one else should be around to hear? Inquiring minds want to know.
Let’s take a detailed look at new developments regarding Donald Trump and his very likely Russian Connection:
Maria Butina
Maria Butina is a 29-year-old American University grad student and Russian operative who sought to broker secret meetings between then-candidate Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin during the 2016 US presidential campaign. Maria Butina also worked to infiltrate American political organizations and establish covert communications with American politicians and higher-ups inside the National Rifle Association.
The game-plan for Maria Butina was simple: use guns, lies, and sex to infiltrate US politics and gain favor inside GOP political circles on behalf of the Russian government. More specifically, her mission was to appeal to such easy targets as conservative Republicans, evangelicals, and gun lovers so as to influence American voters to favor presidential candidate Donald Trump.
So, why would the Russian government send Maria Butina to the US to assure that Donald Trump won The White House? With whatever Putin is holding over “The Donald’s” head, could it be that installing Trump in the Oval Office was equivalent to installing Putin into the Oval as well??
Vladimir Putin
Only a week after kowtowing to Vladimir Putin as if he were but a mere subordinate, Donald Trump shocked the world late last week by announcing that he has invited Putin to visit The White House later this year.
The shock not only reverberated throughout the country but also inside a Colorado security forum, when NBC’s Andrea Mitchell broke the news to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats who was completely caught by surprise regarding the Putin invite.

“Say that again,” a bewildered Coats said while doing a double take at the absurdity of Trump’s spontaneous invite during the midst of his Russia saga. “Okaaaay. … That’s going to be special,” Coats added while trying to collect himself.
According to CNN, Coats’ reaction “…was a jaw-dropping moment that embodied the utterly unfathomable, logic-defying and increasingly troubling twilight zone into which Washington has plunged since the Helsinki summit.”
Donald Trump is the focal point of a federal investigation regarding a felony charge of collusion with the Russian government during the 2016 election that handed him the presidency. Trump is also grabbing every moment he can to attempt to convince the American public that there was “NO COLLUSION.” So, what does he do? He cowers in the presence of Putin like a wet puppy then extends a personal invitation to the man he allegedly colluded with to join him for a play date inside the West Wing.
– Steve Hall, former CIA station chief in Moscow
While members of NATO and longtime US allies have been grappling with Trump’s bizarre behavior and blatant cozying up to the communist leader during the Trump-Putin summit, Russian military officials were taking the opportunity last week to show off new weaponry Putin boasts could render NATO defenses “completely useless.”
In a series of YouTube videos and in stories on Russia’s state-run TASS news agency, Moscow provided the world with a new detailed look at its 5 advanced weapon systems: the Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile; the Avangard hypersonic missile system; the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM); the Poseidon underwater drone; and the Kinzhal hypersonic missile.
So, Donald Trump attended the 2018 NATO summit, picked a fight with long-standing US allies, tried unsuccessfully to convince them to reinstate Russia into the clan, then treated the allies as if they were an enemy and left early. He then attended a summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, boasted about how much he trusts Putin and how America should too, invited Putin for a personalized date to visit him at The White House, then has remained eerily silent during Putin’s announcement to the world that he has created a series of weapons capable of rendering the US and its NATO allies totally defenseless.
What’s wrong with this picture???
– Former GOP Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan
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From the actions of Maria Butina prior to the 2016 presidential election, to Trump’s blind submission toward the former KGB agent turned Russian leader during the recent Trump-Putin summit, to Trump’s deafening silence amid Putin’s active and overt attempt to dismantle NATO while simultaneously bragging that he is now militarily capable of destroying the US and all of its NATO allies, Donald Trump has failed to “preserve, protect, and defend” the United States as he promised to do during his inauguration. This should strike an urgent fear inside all Americans — particularly since it clearly appears to be too much “there” there.
Is Donald Trump telling the truth that there was NO COLLUSION and that all fears regarding his association with Russia and Vladimir Putin are “FAKE NEWS” creations of the mainstream media? Or, could it be possible that a foreign adversary has successfully infiltrated the very pinnacle of American democracy and is effectively holding the President of the United States hostage?
WATCH: Hillary Tried To Warn Us
Thanks DJ. Great job of pointing out further incriminating evidence of Russian efforts to infiltrate our political system thru the Republican party, Right-wing organizations, the Trump campaign and Trump himself.
Clearly, Trump is OWNED by Putin (and Russian oligarchs)…any blind man can see that. The arrest of Maria Butina, in particular, AND Russia demanding she be released from U.S. custody “as soon as possible” presents him with yet another extremely critical dilemma. SEE: “Russia demands US release Maria Butina, calling spy charges false” – MSNBC, CNN, NYTimes et al.
Gonna be interesting to see how Trump tries to handle this situation.
“Russian billionaire with U.S. investments backed alleged agent Maria Butina”
Maria Butina, the Russian woman charged in federal court last week with acting as an unregistered agent of her government, received financial support from Konstantin Nikolaev, a Russian billionaire with investments in U.S. energy and technology companies, according to a person familiar with testimony she gave Senate investigators.
Butina told the Senate Intelligence Committee in April that Nikolaev provided funding for a gun rights group she represented, according to the person. A spokesman for Nikolaev confirmed that he was in contact with her as she was launching the gun rights group in Russia between 2012 and 2014. He declined to confirm whether Nikolaev gave her financial support.
Nikolaev’s fortune has been built largely through port and railroad investments in Russia. He also sits on the board of American Ethane, a Houston ethane company that was showcased by President Trump at an event in China last year, and is an investor in a Silicon Valley start-up.
Nikolaev has never met Trump, according to his spokesman.
However, Nikolaev’s son Andrey, who is studying in the United States, volunteered in the 2016 campaign in support of Trump’s candidacy, according a person familiar with his activities. Nikolaev was spotted at the Trump International Hotel in Washington during Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, according to two people aware of his presence.
In a court filing last week, prosecutors said Butina’s emails and chat logs are full of references to a billionaire as the “funder” of her activities. They wrote that the billionaire is a “known Russian businessman with deep ties to the Russian Presidential Administration.”
Prosecutors did not identify Butina’s funder by name but said he travels often to the United States and was listed by Forbes this year as having a net worth of $1.2 billion — which is the same as Nikolaev’s current listing. […] WashPost, July 22, 2018
Despite Butina’s link to the NRA….the NRA leadership and spokesperson have been noticeably silent, thus far, on the matter which is NOT customary for them. Why so quiet, pray tell!!
I’m thinking- the NRA, and other right-wing organizations, are possibly up to their lying mouths in having committed Treasonous activities(?) And those Treasonous activities may be revealed in due time.
We shall see.
You made a scary point DJ. You said Putin is holding the President of the Unites States hostage and that is the truth. Even a blind person can see what is going on here. Trump can no longer hide that he is a puppet. The real scary part is something I heard over the weekend. Even though everybody can see Putin is controlling Trump his poor trash supporters still don’t care. It’s just like Trump said he could stand on fifth avenue and shoot somebody and his supporters would still support him. But if the supporters don’t care I hope the intelligence people care and see what is really going on here. Some of these people have made a career out of their jobs and worked with every president no matter what party. Trump has pissed them off so I hope they see he is selling America down the river to Putin and come to the rescue. I never thought I would live to see the day when Russia was running the White House but here it is.