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Mark Meadows And The January 6th Insurrection

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Former Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is in boiling hot water with Congress for his role in the January 6th MAGA insurrection on Capitol Hill.

On Monday, the January 6th select committee voted 9-0 to send a criminal contempt of Congress referral to the full House against Meadows after it discovered that he was deeply involved with Donald Trump in efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Mark Meadows

According to The New York Times, Mark Meadows played a far more substantial role in trying to overturn the 2020 election and its January 6th certification than previously known.  In fact, the congressional committee learned via a series of documented text messages that he was a major player in failed efforts to convince Trump to order the MAGA mob invading the Capitol to stand down.

Initially, Mark Meadows agreed to cooperate with the January 6th congressional committee and, in fact, turned over nearly 9000 pages of documents detailing his knowledge and participation in the events of that day.  However, Meadows abruptly stopped cooperating (likely after receiving threats from Trump and his mob-like minions) and even launched a legal battle to halt the congressional investigation, which led the committee to proceed with contempt of Congress charges against him.

Mark Meadows
Rep. Liz Cheney

Prior to Monday’s vote, committee vice chairwoman and GOP Rep. Liz Cheney (who, along with Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, are the only Republicans willing to buck Donald Trump and tell the truth), read aloud text messages sent to Mark Meadows on January 6th by Donald Trump Jr., as well as Fox News hosts Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Brian Kilmeade begging Trump to step in and control the mob violence.

“He’s got to condemn this shit ASAP,” Cheney read from Don Jr’s text to Meadows.

“I’m pushing it hard,” Meadows responded. “I agree.”

“We need an Oval address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand,” the younger Trump continued.

Mark Meadows
Rep. Adam Kinzinger

Cheney continued by reading a text from Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

“Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home,” she told Meadows, adding, “He is destroying his legacy.”

Ms. Cheney then quoted panicked text messages from unnamed people who were inside the building, including one who told Meadows, “We are under siege up here at the Capitol.”

“These text messages leave no doubt,” Rep. Cheney said, that “The White House knew exactly what was happening here at the Capitol.”

And by “The White House,” Cheney was clearly referring to Mark Meadows, who, as Trump’s chief of staff, ran The White House.

The committee also found that Mark Meadows, himself a former congressman from North Carolina, effectively served as Donald Trump’s right-hand man throughout the various stages to undermine the 2020 election.

Meadows encouraged members of Congress to object to Joe Biden’s victory, pursued baseless allegations of voter fraud in numerous states, and personally coordinated with rally planners in transporting Trump’s MAGA sycophants to Washington for the January insurrection. In fact, he even promised to deploy the US National Guard to “protect pro-Trump people,” the committee learned.

Mark Meadows
Jan. 6 congressional committee

Clearly, Mark Meadows was deeply involved in the plot to circumvent democracy and retain Trump in the Oval Office. It’s also clear that he is stuck between a rock and a hard place since he “partially” cooperated but is now attempting to stonewall the investigation at all cost.

If the full House of Representatives does indeed vote to charge Meadows with contempt of Congress, he could spend up to a year in jail.  That could prove to be a difficult stint for Meadows, particularly since Donald Trump no longer holds an ounce of power to step in and save/pardon him.

OK WASSUP! discusses Political News:
Mark Meadows faces Contempt of Congress charge.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I’m just curious….at what point does the news media and WE (ALL of America who truly love Our country and treasure Our democracy) call that Evil cretin (Trump) and his minions what they are?


He/and they have committed nothing short of Treason, in my opinion and I think they should be criminally charged and treated as such. ALL of them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

If our country and our democracy is to stand for anything, you DON’T step lightly to those people who Clearly embrace authoritarianism in America and have shown a willingness to commit violent acts of Treason to achieve their Treasonous goals.

You call them Out and make an example of them by CRUSHING them. Full. Stop.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

The fact he was cooperating then stopped is real interesting. They got to him and made him be quiet because they have something to hide. This is all a big mess and when they finally get to the bottom of everything it will probably shock a lot of people how close Trump got to succeeding.

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