
Mark Robinson: I’m ‘Staying In This Race’

- after damning remarks, the GOP candidate will almost assuredly lose the North Carolina governor race

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Republican Mark Robinson has started singing a song from the movie/musical DREAMGIRLS: “And, I am telling you, I’m not going!”

Politics :
Mark Robinson, the sitting lieutenant governor and current Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, is in a heap of trouble. Last week, a CNN expose’ revealed derogatory remarks he made on a porn site’s message board from a decade ago that has not only upended the election but likely killed his political career for good.

Mark Robinson

According to CNN, Robinson frequently posted commentary on the porn site Nude Africa under the moniker “minisoldr.” For example, he called himself a “black NAZI.” and said he wished that slavery would be reinstated.

“Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it [slavery] back. I would certainly buy a few,” he said, somehow believing that under that pretend scenario he would be a slave owner and not just another slave.

He referred to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a “commie bastard” and “worse than a maggot” and said he would prefer Adolf Hitler to be in charge over “any of the sh*t that’s in Washington.” He then made various sexually graphic comments, including discussing his penchant for watching transsexual sex — despite regularly calling homosexuality and transgenderism “filth.”

Mark Robinson

“I like watching tr*nny on girl porn! That’s f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in!” Robinson wrote on the port site. “And yeah I’m a ‘perv’ too!”

Robinson was also a regular customer at a local North Carolina XXX-rated porn shop, where employees said the alleged evangelical Christian frequently brought them pizza.

This all comes after it was revealed Robinson paid for his future wife to have an abortion while they were dating, despite claiming to hold anti-abortion political views and calling the procedure “murder” and “genocide” for everyone else but himself.

Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T?

Mark Robinson rose to prominence because of Donald Trump, who handpicked him to run for governor of North Carolina. The public has regularly seen Robinson at Trump’s side during numerous political rallies. Additionally, Trump has strangely attempted to prop up Robinson by calling him “Martin Luther King times two,” and “Martin Luther King on steroids.”

Mark Robinson

However, the truth is that Mark Robinson was never properly vetted to run for governor. His only claim to fame for the job was because Donald Trump said so. Now, Robinson’s words will almost assuredly cause him to lose the gubernatorial election. It could even cost Donald Trump the State of North Carolina, too.

In a report from POLITICO, reporter Natalie Allison said “Republicans in North Carolina have abandoned all hope of winning the governor’s race or of trying to clean up their nominee’s tainted image. But the scandal surrounding Mark Robinson is only intensifying the presidential candidate’s [Donald Trump’s] fight for the southern swing state.”

Political analysts agreed.

“Anything that affects a couple thousand votes could be a huge deal. You’re talking to someone who lost by 10,000 votes out of 4.6 million,” said former Republican Gov. Pat McCrory, who narrowly lost his re-election bid in 2016 although Trump carried the state.

Mark Robinson

“This is partially a problem of his making. Trump did not need to endorse. He chose to,” said Doug Heye, a former spokesperson for the Republican National Committee who hails from the state.

“If this is why he loses, it’s sort of like Kramer wearing the very pants he’s trying to return.”

Mark Robinson committed political suicide by posting his damning words for all the world to see. However, an interesting twist has developed.  

Over the weekend, Robinson took a page from the Donald Trump playbook and attempted to pretend he never said those horrible things. He also refused to get out of the race.

“Let me reassure you: The things that you will see in that story, those are not the words of Mark Robinson. You know my words, you know my character, and you know that I have been completely transparent in this race and before,” Robinson said in a video.

“We are staying in this race, we are in it to win it, and we know that, with your help, we will,” he added.

He then blamed the posted remarks from 2008-2021 on fake artificial intelligence, despite AI not existing during that era.

For his role in the scandal, Donald Trump played dumb.

He appeared on Saturday at a previously scheduled political rally in, of all places, North Carolina. However, he didn’t utter a single syllable about Mark Robinson or the mess he’s in. Interestingly, the man he claimed to be “Martin Luther King on steroids” was not only absent from his usual post by Trump’s side, but he wasn’t even invited. Or, in other words, “out of sight and out of mind” is the ploy Trump hopes to convey.

Mark Robinson

Mark Robinson is clearly following the Donald Trump mantra to deny, deny, deny — and hope voters get so confused that they believe him. However, even Republicans recognize the writing on the wall: Robinson is cooked and Donald Trump may be next!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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DJ, thank you so much for posting about this dangerous “white supremacist in Black skin” closeted bisexual, talibanjelical, MAGAt clown. 🤡

I stumbled into this right-winger several months ago via YouTube videos. I figured the truth would be revealed about him eventually. However I must admit, when it comes to his revelations, some of it goes waaay beyond what I was expecting. I expected him to have some kind of “queer” sex attraction. His constant railing against the LGBTQ community was a dead give-away to me.

But his love of ongoing sex with his wife’s sister (real or imagined) and having 3somes with his sister in-law and another woman (real or imagined) was a bit of a stunner for me! 😳

Last edited 11 days ago by Truthiz1

Lol I almost spit my coffee out when I read ‘closeted bixexual.’




Okay so here’s what I don’t understand….

This crazy-azz, Black right-winger is the perfect example of a Trump MAGA follower. In fact, Except for skin color, Robinson and Trump are literally cut from the same cloth.

They’re both absolutely despicable and malignant narcissists. Toxic garbage.

And from what’s been reported, many NC Repubs have known about a lot of his madness for quite some time. So why are Repubs now pressuring Trump to denounce the guy? Seriously?! 🤔

Last edited 11 days ago by Truthiz1

You already answered your own question Truth. Robinson is a black right winger. He cannot get away with the same things the white man Trump can.


Also Trump has been strange for a lot of years and people are used to it by now. There is nothing he can say or do to surprise anybody. Robinson is not there yet.


Well apparently Robinson thinks he IS indeed also there too.

And as long as Trump doesn’t denounce Robinson, isn’t Robinson correct in thinking he can simply ride this out while he lies, deflects and pretends it’s all someone else’s fault..just like Trump?


Des Moines Register: Multiple staffers on North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson’s gubernatorial campaign have stepped down after a CNN report embroiled the Republican governor nominee in a scandal. Robinson was the focus of a CNN investigation published Thursday that detailed inflammatory comments he reportedly made on a pornography website message board more than a decade ago. The reported comments were salacious, as he called himself a “black NAZI,” a “perv” and condoned slavery. Robinson denied authoring the comments in an interview with CNN. On Sunday, the campaign announced that top adviser Conrad Pogorzelski, campaign manager Chris Rodriguez, finance director Heather Whillier and deputy campaign manager Jason Rizk have stepped down from their roles. Their departure, along with others, leaves the campaign with a small staff consisting of just two spokespeople and a bodyguard, North Carolina public radio station WUNC reported. Since the scandal broke, Trump has dodged questions about… Read more »


Hey Wil thanks for posting this. I did hear today on CNN all his people are running away from him. He has almost an empty office. And Trump is quiet as a church mouse about him now.


I wanted to mention this earlier….

I would like to ask his (now former) staff WHY step down now?

It’s not like that “Black NAZI” hadn’t proudly worn his depravity “on his sleeves” long before now. Indeed, he had! It’s being reported that there had even been “rumors” about some of the porn stuff.

He spewed so much vile and vulgar isht that NC MAGAt voters cheered him on and, by a large margin, elected him Lt. Governor. So why has his staff abandoned him now?

Last edited 11 days ago by Truthiz1

This fool is just like his master Donald Trump. Neither one of them thinks rules apply to them. Robinson is against abortion yet he got an abortion for his wife when they were dating. He is a so called christian but also says he is a perv. He supposedly dislikes homosexuals but as long as it is a trans person in a porn that is okay with him. The clown is all over the map. They need to do to him like they did Gilliam when he was running for gov in Florida. Take all that nasty stuff and go away.


No..No..No..No..No BD.

This twisted-azz MAGA vermin is somehow good enough to be the Lt. Governor of NC but NOT good enough to be the Repub nominee for Governor?!

And don’t get me wrong my friend. WE know he’s NOT fit for anything. But I want him to stick around to wreak havoc within the Republican party and then get crushed by the Dem on Nov 5th.

Last edited 11 days ago by Truthiz1

Want to revisit this post and add this….

I think Robinson’s campaign staff actually left now because the “RGA”(Republican Governors Association) had announced they were cutting off the 💰 to the his campaign.

I believe those disingenuous cretins probably would have continued to work for Robinson for as long as real money was coming in. When the RGA said “No more money,” his staff was outta there!

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