Mary Pat Christie Eye Roll
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Mary Pat Christie Eye Roll
It’s the eye roll see around the world…Mary Pat Christie, wife of Gov. Chris Christie seemingly unhappy with Donald Trump’s victory remarks on Hillary Clinton and women.
According to Trump, Hillary is only leading the Democrats because she’s a woman who frequently plays the “woman’s” card. Well, if looks could kill, Mrs. Christie would be in jail today for murdering “The Donald” with her look.
Her husband, Gov. Christie, didn’t disappoint in the looks department either. He appeared to mean-mug Trump the entire night, as if every word coming from the man’s mouth was lunacy.
Perhaps the Christie’s should have never endorsed Trump at all.  Or at the very least, perhaps they would do well not to stand on stage and in the camera frame with him from now on. Their looks are brutal!
Lol. I agree DJ. The look on Chris Christie's face is priceless. It's the look of a former titan within the GOP perhaps saying to himself "what the h*ll have I done to myself and my political career?"
And imagine Mary Pat Christie's response multiplied by 100s-of-thousands…if not millions…of women across America who are absolutely fed-up with the likes of Trump and his misogynist ilk.
Few things would give me greater pleasure than seeing Hillary beat that fake alpha-dog. But she MUST run a smart race. Tune out the folks who are telling her that beating Trump will be a "cakewalk." She's a WOMAN. This is still a "Man's world." She must effectively continue to make her case to the American people as to why WE should take a giant leap of faith and vote for her in November, mindful that she'll be the first female President in American history.
She must AVOID being dragged into the gutter where Trump likes to fight. Stay on point. Go hard on policies (details and differences) combined with a smart and relatable message.
Added bonus: Trump will continue to do ALL that he can to help her win, every time he opens his Big.Fat.Mouth. The man cannot help himself. He's so enamored with himself that whatever he's thinking, at any given point in time, on any given day, he simply MUST blurt it out to the rest of Us (the American people and the entire world), no matter how many people he may offend and/or anger. Not filter. No nuance. Nothing. Just Trump and a microphone. Raw and uncut….smh.
Trump will continue to do ALL that he can to help her win, every time he opens his Big.Fat.Mouth.
Now I see what DJ was talking about when he said root for Trump. Because Trump is who will get Hillary elected.