Current Events

Mass Shootings: The White Male Crime

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While Donald Trump continues to seek a ban against Muslims and to build a multi-billion dollar wall to block Mexicans (all in the purported interest of “protecting America”), many are beginning to recognize that the most pressing threat against Americans is not Mexicans or Muslims, but White American males with guns conducting mass shootings.

Current Events
Let’s face it:  Trump’s so-called protective measures are being directed at the wrong people.  Or, to put it another way, when it comes to mass shootings there’s a notable trend along racial lines.  Perhaps 9 times out of 10, when a black person is angry and attempts violence he takes out his vengeance on the sole person he is angry with.  However, when a white person is angry and attempts violence he takes out his vengeance on a large group of innocent adults or even children.

Of all the mass shootings since 1982, statistics show that 54% were committed by white men.  Let’s take a look at the facts:

Mass Shootings

The 1999 Columbine carnage (15 dead) was committed by 2 white males.  The 2012 Aurora, CO movie theater massacre (12 dead) was committed by a white male. The 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting (28 dead) was committed by a white male.  The 2017 Las Vegas slaughter (59 dead) was committed by a white male. Dylann Roof prayed with members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC before shooting up the place and killing 9.  Devin Patrick Kelley walked into the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, TX and killed 26.  Both are white males.

The ethnicity of Nikolas Cruz, whose mass shooting spree last week killed 17 students in Parkland, FL, is unknown.  However, what we do know is that he was adopted (into the Cruz family) as an infant, holds a deep hatred toward African-Americans and Muslims, is an avid follower of various white supremacist groups, and even trained with several white male supremacists on how to use an AR-15 rifle to maximize death.

We also know that his social media rants include saying “I wanna shoot people with my AR-15,” “I wanna die Fighting killing shit ton of people,” and “I am going to kill law enforcement one day they go after the good people.”

Jordan Jereb, leader of the white-nationalist group Republic of Florida, said that Nikolas Cruz was associated with ROF, having been “brought up” by another member. Jereb added that Cruz had participated in one or more ROF training exercises in the Tallahassee area, even carpooling with other ROF members from South Florida. – Miami New Times News


Mass Shootings

Current Events
White males are angrily killing massive groups of total strangers at an alarming and repetitive rate.  However, the reasoning from Donald Trump and his Republican cohorts (who are in bed with the NRA) is that the issue is mental illness and not guns.  In fact, during a visit on Friday with the Florida survivors, Trump refused to even discuss guns but instead vowed to tackle “mental health” issues.  His position begs the question: what “psychological issues” could white males be suffering from that no other ethnic group appears to be experiencing on such a widespread basis?  Additionally, why are Arab killings considered terrorism, black killings considered gang/thug violence, but white killings considered mental illness?

What are white males so angry about?  Why are they so particularly obsessed with military-grade assault weapons?  What is it that compels them to shoot and kill innocent adults and children?  Why is the toxic cocktail of anger, guns, and mass shootings almost always the act of a white male?

Mass Shootings



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OK WASSUP! covers current events:
Why are mass shootings usually committed by white males?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Thanks DJ. Once again you have not shied away from a much needed, thought-provoking, meaningful AND very complex topic of conversation. As always, you have provided Us (your readers) with factual information to take in and process.

    Trying to cut my many thoughts on this subject down to a few is a work in progress. But I am working on it. I will, no doubt, be returning to this post later today and probably tomorrow and perhaps even the next day because you have given me much to think about.

    In the meantime I do hope other readers will share their thoughts and opinions because this is an extraordinary and vital conversation to have!

  2. Uh oh DJ you have really done it today. You are being real bold with the topics these days and I like it. As usual you hit all the facts and also backed it all up. But I can tell you why this is white mans crime and why they are collecting so many guns. There is a secret society of whites planning for a race war. Some of them also think there will be a war with the government and they will have to fight to protect what is theirs. These white boys are training how to shoot and kill big groups because they are planning something big. And as just about a all white group the NRA knows all about it. But mark my words. If all the black men joined the NRA today and bought assault rifles because they had the right, trust me the laws would be changed in a hour. They want guns and gun rights only for themselves but if all the blacks had those same rights and the guns too they would change everything. You are right this is all along race lines. Long as it is for whites it’s alright. If it was for the blacks or other races they wouldn’t let all these guns be on the street. They have something brewing and we better wake up and recognize.

    1. As usual BD, you bring something to the discussion. I agree with you that, within White America, there is a certain segment of White American men who desperately want to see a full-fledged ‘race war” break out in America.

      However, I would posit that that “secret” has been out the bag for at least 30 yrs. Consider the rise of right-wing talk radio and the deadly role Rush Limbaugh and his toxic ilk have played in fomenting such nihilistic madness over the past 30 years. Added to the role of Faux Noise over the past 20 years.

      People who, for whatever reason, have been predisposed to eating up such deadly garbage have indeed, over time, become Our biggest National Security threat!

    2. Mr. BD your full of it. Theres no white riot about to start so shut up about all that. I’m a proud gun owner because I have a right to protect my family. My father owns guns and his father owned guns too. That’s the law in this country weather you like it or not. Yeah it’s too bad about those kids who got killed last week but that’s not my fault or no gun owners fault. That Cruz kid who killed them is a sick bastard who needs help. If somebody stabbed kids one day would we take away all the steak knifes next? Get off trying to take away our guns and cut out the race baiting bs.

      1. No I am not full of it or making anything up. Like Truth said it is no secret white men have been collecting guns for years. Some of them out west want to over throw the government. And some of them are planning for a race war. This is not a mental issue. Nobody needs to own weapons the military uses I don’t care what anybody says. These guns are killing children and it is time we act like the adults and save their lives.

  3. (Side-note) I must give a SHOUT OUT! the young people all across this country who have decided “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”

    The truth is, they’ve given up on trusting Us (people who should be protecting them) and they’re fighting to save themselves now. WE (ADULTS) have FAILED them miserably and SHAME on Us!!!

    How many more innocent men, women and CHILDREN have to die before WE (Adults) take action?!

    And let me say this – I am shocked and utterly dismayed by the fact that most of WHITE America apparently cares MORE about GUNS -and the right of ANY and EVERY fool to have EASY access to Unlimited guns and ammunition – than about the precious lives of their own children and grand-children!?!

    I knew they didn’t give a d*mn about Black and brown children. But never, in a million years would I have thought that most of them don’t give a d*mn about their own kids either.

    And yet it’s True. The proof lies right in front of us America…for all the world to SEE.

  4. DJ, I voted for “Other” because, for me, the answer is “ALL the above” and more.

    Okay so the questions you put to us in your last paragraph are critical questions:

    I’m not a White male (or white female) so I have to say I feel kind of outta my “lane” trying to answer any of them. Nonetheless I’ll give it my best shot.

    As I’ve said many time before, I consider Hate to be a disease of the heart, mind and soul, resulting in nothing but pure ROT. So that’s my baseline.

    Question #1: “What are white males so angry about?”

    Honestly DJ, I suspect in more than a few cases, some “angry white males” couldn’t even answer that question because the truth is they don’t even know what they’re angry about(?) They’re just following the crowd. People are not born to hate. They are taught to hate. And tragically, that’s what they’re most familiar with.

    On the other hand, I believe the majority of “angry white males” know exactly what it is they’re angry about. It’s called….FAILURE.

    No. They won’t admit that FAILURE is the root cause because then they’d have to own it. And “White supremacy” (backed up by 50 yrs of Repub dog whistles, 30 yrs of right-wing talk radio and 20 yrs of Faux Noise) have reinforced the belief that “Whites” are the dominant and “Superior” race. Therefore IF a white man FAILS in America well then “BY GAWD” it’s got to be someone else’s fault. Easier to Scapegoat “Others” than take responsibly for your own failures, character defects and limitations.

  5. Question #2:
    “Why are they so particularly obsessed with military-grade assault weapons?”

    Power. With so many fake alpha males in America what better way to feel Powerful -while propping up a false sense of Self and one’s masculinity that also feeds into some superior and nihilistic fantasy-if not outright delusions of white male dominance. They get to play “Make-believe” (posing as something they are NOT) and owning as many Guns..especially high-powered military assault weapons…as possible reinforces all that madness.

    Btw-Ever notice how the more dangerous ones tend NOT to be able to cut it in the military? Which leads right to DJ’s 3rd question.

    #3: “What is it that compels them to shoot and kill innocent adults and children?”

    Here’s the really effed up part of their thinking.

    WE (in the real world) fully understand that only a sick Coward would massacre innocent -and almost always UNarmed- men, women and CHILDREN. However, in the minds of “angry white males” who actually end up committing mass murder – it seems, for them, pulling the trigger and taking down as many innocent and UNarmed people as possible is somehow proof of their powerful alpha male status!?! Which leads me to deduce that the shooter is too dim-witted, and/or too demented, and/or too dishonest to SEE himself for who he really is.

    Question #4: “Why is the toxic cocktail of anger, guns, and mass shootings almost always the act of a white male?”

    Still working on this one.

  6. Question #4: “Why is the toxic cocktail of anger, guns, and mass shootings almost always the act of a white male?”

    Admittedly, this question is a tough one for me because frankly any explanation offered (low self-esteem, feeling of isolation, a victim of bullying (past or present), fewer support networks, loss of job/income, inability to handle stress, etc) falls apart, IMO, when you consider the fact that WHITE men all over the world struggle with these life-experiences. They DON’T to grab guns and carry out mass murders. It is an incredible RARE thing in other countries.

    So I’m forced to modify the question just a little to read: “Why is the toxic cocktail of anger, guns, and mass shootings {IN AMERICA} almost always the act of a white male?”

    The answer most obvious to me is Easy access to guns. But even than answer doesn’t cut it because the truth is, in America, Black males have Easy access to guns too. However, they tend NOT to carry our mass murders.

    This deadly phenomenon seems to be unique to white males in America and as such I’d say, absent comprehensive research studies carried out by qualified and competent providers (Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Neuropsychologists) the True answer to this question will (sadly) remain unknown.

  7. DJ, I told you I’d probably return to this thread time and time again because THIS particular post you’ve written is a powerful piece and I’m not sure all of your readers truly *get* how a meaningful discussion like THIS allows Us an opportunity to really dig deep into this issue. It allows us the opportunity to join in the broader discussion and examine what James Fallows (writer at the Atlantic Magazine) refers to as”

    “The Cultural Roots of a Gun-Massacre Society.”

    And for the record DJ: You and Fallows have got my brain jumping about this topic and at this point and time I just can’t it let it go. Like you, Fallows is also on a roll with writing -and posting- a really great series of related discussions.

    Unless America -White America in particular -can be Honest with itself (and painfully so) WE cannot even begin to appropriately AND effectively *treat* this deadly disease.

    1. LOL yes, Truthiz1, I see that you are certainly a woman of your word. However, it’s such an important topic that I encourage you to return and respond as many times as you wish.

      I dedicated this entire week to the issue of guns in America, under the hopes that we should all continue to try and make a difference — however large or small — in any way possible.

      – DJ

  8. Atlantic Reader:
    There are obviously many components to the gun and mental illness issues but one thread that never seems to be acknowledged: America is going through a crisis of masculinity brought on by structural changes in our economy.

    Jobs, if men possess them, no longer provide routes to self-esteem for working class men and so, with the help of the NRA, guns have become a talisman for a potency and meaning that has evaporated in the marketplace.

    Take a moment to look at the gun magazines at your local WalMart and register the themes that are hammered home. Constant references not to hunting but to warfare, and the trappings of masculinity, the humorless insistence on the tacticality of every day objects, including, I kid you not, a spork with a hidden knife. These industries are preying on the needs of men to feel like they have a job, bigger than themselves, a protector of the fatherland, the constitution.

    There has been no counterweight to this culture of death. No one seems to be able to answer the question: What are men good for? What are the qualities that make a good man … good? Instead this enormous vacuum is filled by people with products to sell. Men are warriors with tactical sporks. What else could they be if they can’t be providers?

    Mental illness in this context means the inability to adapt to new circumstances but shouldn’t we at least admit the difficulty of what we are asking of men? I fear by not posing the question we are opening the door to a fascist mentality whose answers we cannot tolerate. […]

  9. Atlantic Reader:
    I think the Californian reader [who previously argued that American culture has decayed] is onto something. Indeed, his tone of resentment against big and centralized government captures a lot of the anger common to shooters and the cultures in which they grew up.

    The world has changed, they haven’t. And we see what can happen when we add a gun to that equation. […]

    Jim Fallows:
    All these are well-argued points. For now I’ll simply add that working-class men around the world are subject to similar pressures. Only in one country are they routinely vented through mass gun slayings. […]

  10. Here’s what I can’t figure out: I grew up in a rural hunting culture, where guns were, and are, widely available. Nothing like this ever happened. If a troubled kid wanted to shoot up his school, the weaponry and the opportunity was there, in spades. But it didn’t happen. It doesn’t happen.

    Why not? […] – Rod Dreher, TAC writer

    TAC Reader:
    I know anecdotes aren’t evidence, but…

    When I was born (1963) my father was 25 years old. He was married, an Air Force officer, had a bachelors degree in engineering, and was working on his masters.

    For the last five years I worked at a large engineering firm with a number of young male civil & structural engineers in their mid twenties. To a one they were unmarried, lived at home or in group homes, and played video games obsessively in the evenings. One young man in his mid twenties was a avid Taylor Swift fan club member and traveled around to her concerts like a Deadhead from my college days.

    It appears to curmudgeonly old me that…if 40 is the new 30, then 25 is the new 15, and 18 is the new 8. What high school students of Rod and my generation appeared to have that some lack today is the impulse control of someone who understands the are approaching adulthood and what that entails. The seventeen year old shooting up his school is a seven year old throwing a tantrum, with a rifle. […]

  11. TAC Reader:
    The reason we have this kind of gun violence is pretty clear to me;

    We have a helluva lot of guns (over 300 million) that are easily available; quantity has it’s own quality.

    An exponential increase in the glamorization of gun and every other type of violence generated by the entertainment industry. Violence as a problem-solving tool is pretty much baked into the culture at this point.

    We have powerful organizations funded by arms and munitions manufacturers, like the NRA, whose sole purpose is to generate enough fear, hatred and paranoia to turn hunters and sportsmen into insurrectionists and “freedom fighters”.

    There is a reason that mass shootings begin skyrocketing after the 70’s; the decade in which the the NRA went from ‘a Field and Stream to a Soldier of Fortune’ mentality.

    Given just those three factors is it any wonder we are seeing this phenomenon emerge with increasing frequency? It’s just probabilities and outcomes at this point. Who needs alienation when you have that toxic brew? Alienation without opportunity and you get Holden Caulfield; alienation and an AR-15 and you see what we get.

    And finally we have enough invertebrate and corrupt politicians who refuse to lead or follow on this issue; either afraid of the pro-gun lobby or happy to take their money.

    Eventually absolutist pro-gun forces will jump the shark – they may have already – and some reforms will be enacted. They had better hope so. Because if this continues and nothing is done when this generation grows up and begins taking the reins of leadership then the 2nd Amendment will be in real jeopardy. […]

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