Comments on: Matt Lauer Interview: Fair, Foul, Or Sexist? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 13 Sep 2016 03:38:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Mon, 12 Sep 2016 17:16:02 +0000 There is a lot of sexist stuff going on with Hillary. Obama got it because he is black and now Hillary because she's a woman. Question the ask her about fashion or hair or whatever the would never ask a man. And I agree with Truth the pneumonia thing she should have been honest about.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 12 Sep 2016 16:29:57 +0000 Being the first African-American nominee of a major political party, Barack Obama was held to a different standard than his Republican and WHITE counterpart. Now, as the first female nominee of a major political party, is Hillary Clinton also being held to a different standard than her Republican and MALE counterpart? […..]

You're darn right DJ and I find it truly sickening. In fact, I so loathe the American news media industry these days that I barely -and I do mean BARELY – watch even 5 minutes of it anymore.

That said. I am absolutely disgusted with the campaign Hillary is running. She came out of the Dems convention with a HUGE bounce which actually was sustained thru most of August. And what did she do to build on her post-convention bounce? She gave One great National Security speech and raised a ton of money. That's it.

In other words, she pissed away the entire month of August, behaving as if the election is all but over already…she won..and all she has to do is run out the clock to certain Victory!?! Sheer arrogance…smh.

Fast-forward to this past weekend and her comment about Trump supporters being "deplorable."

How on earth does a person as intelligent as Hillary be so "grossly generalistic" in her description of a whole group of people and not consider that making such a "grossly generalistic" comment could very well BACKFIRE big time?!!!

Just because Trump is a major ignorant-azz, who is given a pass while he spews all manner "grossly generalistic" BS doesn't mean that Hillary should sink to that level.

If she wants to win this election she must stay out of the toxic muck. That's where Trump lives and breathes. She cannot go there. Period.


And btw- Her decision to try to hide the fact that she has walking pneumonia wasn't a smart idea either. All it did was feed into the right-wing madness that there's something even "more seriously wrong" with her that she's hiding.
