
Matt Lauer Firing Reveals Huge Epidemic

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And another one bites the dust. This time, it’s NBC “Today Show” host Matt Lauer.

On Wednesday, NBC announced that it fired its top TV personality, Matt Lauer, late Tuesday night after a female colleague came forward Monday with information that Lauer had been sexually inappropriate toward her.

According to the female staffer, Matt Lauer engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior with her during the 2014 Sochi Olympics. His behavior then continued into the workplace following the games.  Additionally, 2 more women came forward on Wednesday, prompting Variety to publish a more in-depth account of Lauer’s sexual misconduct with at least 3 more women over several years. Interestingly, Variety portrayed Lauer as a serial harasser of women who worked on “Today,” who frequently preyed on most of the female producers who worked for him.

“Our highest priority is to create a workplace environment where everyone feels safe and protected, and to ensure that any actions that run counter to our core values are met with consequences, no matter who the offender,” NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack said early Wednesday in a memo to network employees.

Matt Lauer

“How do you reconcile your love for someone with the revelation that they have behaved badly, and I don’t know the answer to that,” “Today” co-anchor, Savannah Guthrie said of her (now former) colleague and friend during Wednesday’s live broadcast. “But I do know that this reckoning, that so many organizations have been going through, is important, it’s long overdue and it must result in workplaces where all women — all people — feel safe and respected.”

So, what’s REALLY going on here?

Removing a sexual predator from the workplace is the absolute right thing to do, following a full and thorough investigation that leaves zero doubt that the perpetrator is guilty.  However, is that truly enough?  Not really!

Just looking at the sheer number of predominately white males in prominent positions of power within society who have crossed the line of sexual misconduct, while considering the dozens or even hundreds more who have yet to be discovered, the problem has demonstrated itself to be an epidemic. These white males have been conditioned to believe they can have whatever (and whoever) they want solely on the strength that money and power create opportunity.  Therefore, firing one man at a time from one single company is a mere band-aid over a big, gaping wound.  Dealing head-on with the obviously contagious mindset that Money+Power= All The Sex You Could Want would be a much better longterm solution.

Matt Lauer
Matt Lauer co-hosting the 2017 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

With a problem this humongous, the continued practice of firing guilty man after guilty man will almost certainly evolve into a dangerous domino effect.  For example, when NBC fired Matt Lauer they didn’t simply fire just one man.  They fired the man and at least 1 or 2 dozen additional people who work with/for him.  Agents, Managers, PR Execs, Stylists, Nannies, Housekeepers, etc. will all take a hit now that Matt has lost his steady paycheck.  With the media now digging for dirt on every noted person they can find, the unemployment rolls will quickly begin to grow.

The time has clearly come for us to deal with the disease and not merely the symptom.

Additionally, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  If society is TRULY outraged and wants to completely end the careers of men who have been sexually inappropriate toward women, then it’s time to end the career of the man living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  He is the biggest sexual pervert of them all!

Matt Lauer


OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment News:
Matt Lauer firing proves need for new tactic.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. HEAR! HEAR! on ALL points made DJ.

    You spoke the Truth and NOTHING but the Truth in your entire post. And honestly, I could just HUG YOU right now if I was near you!

    As you’ve correctly pointed out:

    “Removing a sexual predator from the workplace is the absolute right thing to do, following a full and thorough investigation that leaves zero doubt that the perpetrator is guilty. However, is that truly enough? Not really!”

    “The time has clearly come for us to deal with the disease and not merely the symptom.”

    Needless to say, I have a few thoughts on this culturally reprehensible “Epidemic” that clearly has plagued Our country for much long….and I’ll be sharing one or two later.

    But I want to start, first, by simply saying Well. Done. And…….

    Thank You!

    1. LOL Thank you, Truthiz1. I’m glad this story resonated with your sentiments. Hug received!! 😉

      – DJ

  2. (sidenote -apparently THIS happened on Tues. Nov. 28th)

    “Angela Lansbury Says Women Must Accept Some Blame for Sexual Harassment”

    Angela Lansbury has received fierce backlash for saying women must accept some blame for sexual harassment and abuse because they make themselves attractive to men.

    “We must sometimes take blame, women,” she said in an interview with Radio Times magazine. “I really do think that. Although it’s awful to say, we can’t make ourselves look as attractive as possible without being knocked down and raped.”

    The 92-year-old’s comments were published on Tuesday amid a wave of sexual harassment allegations in Hollywood sparked by New York Times and New Yorker exposes detailing decades of alleged misconduct by disgraced mogul Harvey Weinstein.

    “There are two sides to this coin,” Lansbury said. “We have to own up to the fact that women, since time immemorial, have gone out of their way to make themselves attractive. And unfortunately it has backfired on us — and this is where we are today.”

    “Should women be prepared for this?” she added. “No, they shouldn’t have to be. There’s no excuse for that. And I think it will stop now — it will have to. I think a lot of men must be very worried at this point.”

    Lansbury’s comments were rebuked by the organization Rape Crisis England & Wales, which said in a statement: “It is a deeply unhelpful myth that rape and other forms of sexual violence are caused or ‘provoked’ by women’s sexuality or ‘attractiveness.’”

    Twitter users were also highly critical, accusing Lansbury of victim-blaming. […] – Variety Magazine

  3. (sidenote – as of this morning)

    Angela Lansbury Says Sexual Harassment Comments Were ‘Taken Out of Context’

    Angela Lansbury has asserted that there’s no excuse for men to abuse women sexually a day after her comments emerged saying women must accept some blame for sexual harassment and abuse because they make themselves attractive to men.

    “There is no excuse whatsoever for men to harass women in an abusive sexual manner,” she said in a statement Wednesday night. “And, I am devastated that anyone should deem me capable of thinking otherwise. Those who have known the quality of my work and the many public statements I have made over the course of my life, must know, that I am a strong supporter of Women’s Rights.”

    Lansbury attempted to distance herself from her comments in an interview with Radio Times magazine, saying they were taken out of context.

    “Lastly, I would like to add that I am troubled by how quickly and brutishly some have taken my comments out of context and attempted to blame my generation, my age, or my mindset, without having read the entirety of what I said,” she said.

    But the 92-year-old did not deny having made the comments to the magazine…[…] – MSN.com

  4. “Russell Simmons Steps Down From Companies Following Sexual Assault Allegation”

    Russell Simmons is stepping down from his companies after being accused of sexual assault by writer Jenny Lumet. In a guest column in the Hollywood Reporter, Lumet accuses the Def Jam co-founder of forcing her to have sex in 1991. In a statement, Simmons said he had a different recollection of their encounter, but said Lumet’s “feelings of fear and intimidation are real.” He apologized to Lumet, who is the daughter of director Sidney Lumet and the screenwriter behind “Rachel Getting Married.” “There is so much guilt, and so much shame,” Lumet wrote in her column.

    “There is an excruciating internal reckoning. As a woman of color, I cannot express how wrenching it is to write this about a successful man of color. Again, shame about who I was years ago, choices made years ago. In this very moment, I feel a pang to protect your daughters. I don’t think you are inclined to protect mine.”

    For his part, Simmons said, “While I have never been violent, I have been thoughtless and insensitive in some of my relationships over many decades and I sincerely and humbly apologize.”

    In addition to his music work, Simmons is a successful film and television producer and the founder of such clothing fashion lines as Phat Farm and Tantris. This isn’t the first time he has been accused of harassment or assault. […] – Variety

  5. And there is THIS………….

    John Conyers Hospitalized for Stress; Clyburn Says Accusers Lying Because ‘All White’

    Rep. John Conyers has been hospitalized for treatment of stress-related symptoms after multiple former female staffers accused him of sexual misconduct. The 88-year-old Michigan Democrat is stable according to a family spokesperson.

    “He’s doing OK, as well as he can be expected, for a gentleman approaching 90 years of age,” spokesman Sam Riddle told reporters gathered outside his Detroit home Thursday morning.

    The news comes a day after Rep. James E. Clyburn, the assistant leader of the House Democrats, claimed Conyers’ accusers were lying because they are all white.

    Clyburn, a South Carolina Democrat, made the claims in a closed door meeting, according to Robert Draper, a reporter for New York Times Magazine and National Geographic.

    Draper tweeted that Clyburn compared Conyers’ accusers to Susan Smith, the South Carolina woman who murdered her 2 young sons and blamed a black man. – […] SanradRose.com

    H/T: Washington Times and NY Daily News

  6. And now THIS…….

    “Nancy Pelosi wants Rep. John Conyers to resign amid [MULTIPLE} sexual harassment allegations”

    Congressional leaders called on embattled Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) to resign over his developing sexual harassment scandal.

    “No matter how great the legacy it’s no license to harass or discriminate,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters Thursday morning. “In fact it makes it even more disappointing.”

    The top-ranking Democrat’s suggestion comes hours after Conyers was hospitalized with a stress-related illness and one of his accusers revealed herself in a detailed interview.

    House Speaker Paul Ryan later said Conyers, currently to longest-serving lawmaker in the chamber, should “resign immediately.” – NY daily News

    H/t: MSNBC

  7. Wow you really went in on this post DJ. I was a little nervous about speaking up on this because I see a trend happening. As soon as somebody says a man was inappropriate he get fired. Now if a man really did do the things he is accused of he should get fired. But now it looks like companies are not even doing full investigations but reacting. They are just playing follow the leader because the precedent has been set that as soon as you hear something you fire. This is going to eventually cause a problem and maybe even a lawsuit. I am all for firing somebody who did wrong just do the investigating and cover the bases to be fair before taking somebody down. That way you avoid a slip up. But the best line of the whole article was this

    If society is TRULY outraged and wants to completely end the careers of men who have been sexually inappropriate toward women, then it’s time to end the career of the man living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He is the biggest sexual pervert of them all!

  8. Matt Lauer Responds to Harassment Claims: ‘There Is Enough Truth in These Stories’

    Former “Today” anchor Matt Lauer addressed a growing spate of allegations that he harassed and assaulted women during his tenure at the NBC morning institution, apologizing for his actions and vowing to fix the damage he caused.

    “There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry. As I am writing this I realize the depth of the damage and disappointment I have left behind at home and at NBC. Some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized, but there is enough truth in these stories to make me feel embarrassed and ashamed. I regret that my shame is now shared by the people I cherish dearly,” Lauer said in a statement that was released by a personal publicist and formed the bulk of the top story on “Today” Thursday morning. “Repairing the damage will take a lot of time and soul searching and I’m committed to beginning that effort. It is now my full time job. The last two days have forced me to take a very hard look at my own troubling flaws. It’s been humbling. I am blessed to be surrounded by the people I love. I thank them for their patience and grace.”

    Lauer’s actions, disclosed in a Variety investigation that reported the accounts of current and former NBC News staffers as well as three women who identified themselves as victims of sexual harassment by the anchor, formed the lead story on the Thursday broadcast of “Today,” the show he called home for more than two decades. NBC News confirmed that more women had come forward to make allegations about Lauer’s behavior since management received word from a woman earlier this week. NBC News decided within a day of hearing those first complaints to terminate Lauer from his job, where he has greeted several generations of morning-news viewers. […] – MSN

    Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) has not decided whether to resign, his lawyer said Thursday, despite calls from congressional leaders to step down amid several allegations of sexual harassment.

    “Nancy Pelosi did not elect the congressman, and she sure as hell won’t be the one to tell the congressman to leave,” said Conyers’ attorney, Arnold Reed, referring to the House minority leader. Conyers, 88, was hospitalized after suffering chest pains and dizziness Wednesday night.

    Reed also suggested that the calls for Conyers’ resignation are racially motivated.

    “I would suspect that Nancy Pelosi is going to have to explain what is the discernible difference between [Sen.] Al Franken and John Conyers,” Reed said. Franken (D-Minn.) is also facing multiple sexual harassment allegations.

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