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Mayor, People Of Puerto Rico Mocked By Trump

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Just when you think Donald Trump couldn’t become any more vile and vindictive, he surprises you and takes you to the lowest of the lows.  His latest target: the Mayor and the AMERICAN citizens of San Juan, Puerto Rico.

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Yes, Donald Trump is now in a Twitter taunt with the very people who only days ago endured a horrific hurricane that has left them without power, gasoline, food, drinking water, medical supplies, communication with loved ones, and the bare essentials of life ever since.  If Trump’s latest war of words were a limbo contest, he would be hands down crowned the ultimate champion.  Or in other words, NO ONE could go lower.

Trump’s latest tiff began when San Juan’s Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz went on international television and literally begged through tears for help for the island.

PR Mayor
Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz

“I will do what I never thought I was going to do. I am begging, BEGGING anyone who can hear us to save us from dying,” the mayor said Friday at a news conference. “If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency.” She then added that although the island has received donations from companies and others, including 200,000 pounds of food donated by Goya, the government has been slow to provide federal help.

“This is what we got last night: 4 pallets of water, 3 pallets of meals and 12 pallets of infant food — which I gave them to the people of Comerio, where people are drinking off a creek,” she said. “So I am done being polite. I am done being politically correct. I am mad as hell.”

For a woman who has been sleeping on a cot and trying to govern without power since the storm struck, her words were out of desperation for the people of Puerto Rico who are at their wit’s end and grasping for a sliver of hope.

Well, being the thin-skinned playground bully that he is, Trump couldn’t stomach someone publicly challenging him or his judgment.

“The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump,” he tweeted. “Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job.”

PR Mayor


Yes, Donald Trump actually mocked hurricane survivors, referring to the Americans as “They” and sending a dog whistle that these survivors must be lazy for wanting “everything to be done for them.”  He also delivered the stinger of “fantastic job,” as if the entire crisis is over and handled.  His words were paramount to mocking a balding cancer patient, or making fun of a handicapped person — oh wait, he did that one already!

However, what’s worse is that Trump launched his Twitter taunts between holes from the luxury of his New Jersey golf resort, where he was vacationing for the weekend. Meanwhile, AMERICAN CITIZENS were starving and dying and running out of options for survival, while their so-called “leader” was toying with which putter to use.



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Immediately after Hurricane Katrina, former President Bush sent a 4-star General to New Orleans to serve as his on the ground eyes and crisis manager. When the deadly earthquake struck Haiti, the US immediately sent a 4-star General into someone else’s country to assist with rescue and relief efforts.

When the recent Hurricane Harvey struck Texas and Florida, Trump was swift to speak about the devastation, to visit the damaged areas, and to immediately get them the help they needed. However, when Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, Trump chose to fight with black football players about kneeling during the national anthem rather than speak about or offer comfort to the black and brown people on those affected islands. In fact, now 2 weeks after the hurricane, Trump chose golf at his luxurious resort over visiting the damaged areas and offering on the ground support.

PR Mayor

“This is an island, surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water,” Trump said when asked why he has been slow and nearly negligent to respond to the SOS calls from the American citizens in dire need.

Needless to say, high-profile celebrities and everyday Americans took to social media to absolutely annihilate Trump for his blatant ignorance.


“Hit em’ while they’re down. People in PR are DESPERATE! Help got there WAY TOO LATE and WE NEED MORE! You’re supposed to be our leader. LEAD,” Despacito singer Luis Fonsi, who was born in San Juan, tweeted.

“Trump continues to dominate the shittiest president ever competition,” said singer John Legend.

Mayor Cruz “has been working 24/7. You have been GOLFING. You’re going straight to hell. Fastest golf cart you ever took,” Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda said.

PR Mayor
American citizens left to live in their San Juan apartment.


Perhaps Trump was unaware that Puerto Rico is a US territory and its people are AMERICAN citizens. Or perhaps he just doesn’t give a damn about a bunch of Latino people who don’t have the right to vote and therefore don’t mean a hill of beans to him. Still, the oath he took in January was to protect ALL Americans and not just certain ones.

If Donald Trump wanted, he could have easily dispatched a 4-star military General to Puerto Rico to manage the bureaucracy and to get the people the help they needed via 1 simple telephone call. But, he didn’t. If Donald Trump wanted, he could have flown to San Juan on Saturday (or sooner) to witness the devastation and send a signal to the AMERICANS dying there that he cares and is working every single second to get them the help they so desperately need. But, he didn’t. Instead, what Donald Trump did do is jet off to a round of golf with his billionaire buddies and tell the mayor and the dying people of Puerto Rico to stop their whining and to stop wanting everythin to be done for them.

Who could have ever imagined that a sitting PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES could stoop so low?

Click: CNN shows Puerto Rico devastation


OK WASSUP! covers Top News Today:
Donald Trump picks fight with Mayor of San Juan


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  2. Now about Donald’s latest reprehensible (but not shocking) offense……

    He is who he is. Poor, racist and ignorant white trash…with money.

    And that’s all he’ll ever be,

  3. From AP:
    U.S. lawmakers urged President Donald Trump on Sunday to stop sniping at Puerto Ricans and get to work helping them recover from a devastating hurricane, two days before he was to visit the island, where people remained without food, water or power.

    The Republican president said his government was doing a “great job” to help Puerto Rico recover from Hurricane Maria and took a new swipe at critics who said he had been slow to aid the island, where the power grid was destroyed 12 days ago.

    “We have done a great job with the almost impossible situation in Puerto Rico. Outside of the Fake News or politically motivated ingrates,” he said in a Twitter post.

    Trump faces difficult weeks, if not months, in the U.S. territory. His senior general leading military relief operations in Puerto Rico, Lieutenant General Jeff Buchanan, said they were clearing roads and getting more supplies to people, but recognized “it’s still a long haul.”

  4. The man is a total idiot. Kicking people when they are down is real presidential. Then I heard he donated some golf trophy to Puerto Rico as if they need that right now. He is supposed to finally go there today two weeks after the hurricane hit. I can’t wait to see how he is received after all the nasty things he said.

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