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While Co-Hosting THE VIEW last week, Meghan McCain (daughter of John McCain) had some pretty tough words for former VP Dick Cheney and his henchman Karl Rove.  Apparently, Meghan doesn’t like that the old Repubs constantly find their way onto America’s TV screens to criticize President Obama at every turn.  So what was Meghan’s message to the two old GOP’ers?  “YOU’VE HAD YOUR 8 YEARS, NOW JUST GO AWAY!”  WATCH:
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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No doubt, I would strongly disagree with Meghan McCain on a host of major policy issues. She’s a Republican and I'm an Independent with moderate/conservative leanings. BTW: I do NOT recognize "true" Conservatism within the Republican party. I recognize Republicanism, christianism, neoCONservatism and Corporatism. “Conservatism”??? Naah. Not so much. But setting that aside:Meghan McCain appears to be an intelligent and SANE woman_ two qualities that clearly puts her at odds with most members of her own party aka “the base”.And true-to-form, the GOP "base” wasted no time in labeling her a “RINO” _and worse, "an undercover Democrat operative”. They’ve made it clear that Meghan and “her kind” should just "leave the party."What does it say about the sorry state of affairs within the GOP when the most reasonable and bravest person, willing to speak Truth to “the Party”, is a 20 something y/o young lady, fresh out of college with… Read more »

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