Yes, it’s true. No, it’s not an April Fool’s joke. Donald Trump has been indicted and is on his way to being arrested!
Top News Today :
As you have undoubtedly already heard, a New York grand jury voted last Thursday to indict Donald Trump on 34 counts related to paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels. Because no former president in US history has ever been indicted for committing a crime, the news seemingly caught Trump and his team off guard. The reality of the situation has also reportedly driven ‘The Donald’ into the dumps.

Needless to say, this is all unprecedented and we will be entering unchartered waters over the next few days and coming weeks. With that said, let’s take an in-depth look at what has happened and what’s to come:
Donald Trump will leave his Mar-a-Lago home and fly to New York City today. On Tuesday, the New York City Police Department and members of his permanent Secret Service detail will escort Trump into court where he will be arraigned and read his Miranda rights. They will take fingerprints and a mug shot. Interestingly, there will be no “perp walk” and Trump will likely be released on his own recognizance with the requirement that he return to court when ordered.

The Manhattan District Attorney has assembled 34 “TBA” counts against Donald Trump related to his business practices within the state that are considered criminal. To date, the details of those counts are sealed and will not be revealed until Tuesday when Trump is brought before a judge.
Despite having zero knowledge regarding any details of the sealed 34 criminal counts against Donald Trump, Republicans still raced to defend him and to declare him innocent.

“Trump’s indictment is the culmination of 6 years of the Democrats weaponizing law enforcement to target and persecute their political enemies. Dictatorships operate like this – the US is supposed to be different,” Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted.
“I’m going to New York on Tuesday. We MUST protest the unconstitutional WITCH HUNT!” GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia tweeted to her followers.
Republicans claim to be the “law and order” party. However, does the law not apply to Donald Trump? Should they damn the legal system without first knowing all the facts of the case? Or, should the law be respected no matter who is being charged?
Although no credible threats have been discovered, various MAGA groups have vowed to protest and exact violence. Authorities in New York City are bracing for any and all responses related to Donald Trump being indicted.
Prominent journalists, political observers, and others have responded to the Donald Trump indictment.
“Political leaders ought to stand up for the American system of government,” said Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a member of the House Judiciary Committee who also served on the congressional investigation of the January 6th attack. “Undercutting the system of government is a serious matter and a threat to our future,” she added.
Yusef Salaam, one of the exonerated Central Park Five who Trump verbally attacked during a racist tirade back in 1989 that called for him to be executed for a crime he didn’t commit, had just one word to say after hearing that he’d been indicted. “Karma.”

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” said he’s worried that the Trump indictment will spark a “cycle of revenge” and set a precedent for future presidents to be attacked via the legal system.
“I always ask myself the question, ‘What is actually better for the future of the country and my future?’ Because I don’t want to live in a country where we are one of these places where whoever is president, as soon as they get out of office, they go after them,” Maher said.
while i’m not a fan of donald trump, it is chilling to realize that this could happen to any one of us after livetweeting 34 consecutive crimes
— soul nate (@MNateShyamalan) March 30, 2023
The New York/Stormy Daniels case against Donald Trump is only the beginning. The State of Georgia is still pursuing a case against Trump for his bold attempts to coerce the secretary of state to “find” votes that would declare him the winner. Additionally, the US Justice Department will soon stage a case against Trump for his role in the January 6th Capitol Hill insurrection — and a separate case for his theft of classified documents that he refused to return.
These multiple cases against Trump — particularly if they happen to occur at the same time — are known in legal circles as the multiplier effect.
Multiple cases against him will make it nearly impossible to defend in multiple jurisdictions at the same time. It will also become far too costly, too time-consuming, and too risky.

Trump’s defense team would be forced to consider how their words or actions in one case (Manhattan, for example) would impact other cases, including ones that haven’t been charged yet.
According to POLITICO: “Defending a client facing charges in multiple jurisdictions requires a defense team to weigh competing priorities and play three-dimensional chess while the prosecutors in each case can focus like a laser on the case at hand.”
Theoretically, Trump could use one defense in the New York case (for example), only to perjure himself and have those same words used against him in Georgia. He could also go bankrupt from the cost of simultaneous cases, the hiring of more attorneys, appeals, travel, etc.
The day he was formally indicted, Donald Trump realized he was in a heap of trouble. He can’t control the legal system. He can’t control the narrative that will undoubtedly drag the entire Republican Party down between now and the 2024 election. And, although he might still strongarm the GOP into handing him the nomination, he can’t control the fact that he almost assuredly can’t convince enough voters to hand him the Oval Office again.
Additionally, any Republican candidate running for president or any other office in 2024 is also in a heap of trouble. Their MAGA-mandated fealty to Trump will force them to have to continuously defend him in the press instead of promoting reasons why they should be elected.

Yes, Donald Trump has been indicted. However, both Trump and his GOP will be on trial in the court of public opinion.
The Republican Party foolishly got in bed with Trump. Now, they’ll all have to lie in it.
OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
What to expect now that Donald Trump is indicted.
Maybe it’s a bit of wishful thinking on my part(?)
But I have thought for awhile now that the likelihood of huge, in-person, MAGA protests actually taking place in response to Trump’s arrest, is slim to none. Why? Because of the aftermath of the Jan. 6 MAGA riot.
Trump’s supporters tend to be potentially very dangerous but also Cowards, like him.
And I agree with DJ, this isn’t just about Trump. Whatever number of trials he ends up facing, the Republican Party will be on trial too.
I just pray each and every one of these trials are solid, strong, legit cases/charges against him and that the jury/juries find him “Guilty!”
Anything less than a conviction will be a disaster for Us, as a nation and a society!
When Donald Trump steps before a judge this coming week to be arraigned in a New York courtroom, it will not only mark the first time a former U.S. president has faced criminal charges. It will also be a reckoning for a man long nicknamed “Teflon Don,” who until now has managed to skirt serious legal jeopardy despite 40 years of legal scrutiny.
Trump, who is the early front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, is expected to turn himself in Tuesday. He faces charges including at least one felony offense related to hush money payments to women during his 2016 campaign. Like any other person facing trial, he will be booked, fingerprinted and photographed before being given the chance to enter a plea.
The spectacle that is sure to unfold will mark an unprecedented moment in American history that will demonstrate once again how dramatically Trump — who already held the distinction of being the first president to be impeached twice — has upended democratic norms. But on a personal level, the indictment pierces the cloak of invincibility that seemed to follow Trump through his decades in business and in politics, as he faced allegations of fraud, collusion and sexual misconduct.
Hey Wil, thanks for sharing this!
Yep, it’s going to be an unprecedented Spectacle.
To be honest I really wanted to see that perp walk. I get why they are not doing it but that would have been it for me.
Lol..that was never going to happen BD.
We talked about this when he initially claimed he was about to be arrested.
I really want to see how this all plays out. He has always been able to get out of everything until now but that time is over with. Plus will his fool followers turn out for him or be cowards like Truth was saying.
A few of his supporters will show up. But I don’t think the large crowd will be there for Trump.
I think the biggest crowd will be the news media and New Yorkers who literally hates his guts and wouldn’t miss this opportunity to let him know it for anything in this world!
And I do think we have to be very concerned about the “Lone wolf.”
White men who are losers in life, scared of, and paranoid about every little thing. Jacked up in the head with at least 10 guns.
May a conservative chime in here?
Yes please feel free
I started reading here off and on back when covid happened. Some things I agreed with, some I didn’t. Still I kept quiet and came back every now and again to check stories. Today I have something to say because it’s a good day. I’m a conservative, yes. But I’d sooner watch DT burn in hell before I’d vote for him. What he’s done to my party is despicable. I don’t even recognize it anymore. I grew up in a family of proud lifelong Republicans. Now sometimes I’m nearly embarrassed to admit it. That’s sad to say but it’s because of what DT has done the way he hijacked the Republican party and all. I want to see him taken down and by the way take all his clones with him. Maybe my party can make a comeback and become what it once was. We are not bad people. A lot of us want some of the same things. Like some of you I want DT to burn in hell for what he’s done. At least we have common ground there. Thank you for listening.
Greetings Linda!
Thank you for chiming in, your voice is much appreciated regardless of what political party you belong to. We’re free spirits around here..lol.
Don’t know if your party can be saved. But your party needs more people like you to stand up and speak out against Trump and his madness. That’s your party’s only hope.
Hey Linda thank you for joining us today. Please come back anytime and feel free to speak your mind. All comments are respected here.