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What came as a shock to his GOP colleagues, came as an early Christmas present for Gov. Charlie Crist.  On Friday, Republican Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida announced he will step down from the Senate ASAP — more than a year before his term ends and without even completing one full term, adding fresh intrigue over who will fill his vacant seat.

Martinez, the only Hispanic Republican in the Senate, had already announced in December that he would not seek re-election in 2010, but denied rumors he would give up the seat early.  But now that Martinez has flip-flopped and decided to quit early, Florida’s Republican Gov. Charlie Crist — who just happens to be running to replace him — is grinning from ear to ear, since HE’S the guy in charge of filling the interim job to replace the Senator.  Gov. Crist gallantly announced on Friday that he would not appoint himself, but that doesn’t preclude him from appointing a friendly “placeholder” — someone willing to perhaps serve out Martinez’s term but NOT run against Crist, paving the way for Crist to run  as an unopposed Republican, all the way to the Senate.  
What is it with these first term Republicans (*cough* Sarah Palin *cough*) not finishing even ONE term???  Oh well…Merry Christmas Gov. Charlie Crist… Love, Mel Martinez!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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