Debate Round 1: Hillary vs. Donald

Politics –
Debate Round 1:
Hillary vs. Donald
And, they’re off! Debate Round 1 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump took place last night at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. Needless to say, it was everything and more it was cracked up to be.
Debate Round 1 was undoubtedly one of the most highly anticipated and most-watched presidential debates in history. It did not disappoint. Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton both entered the ring cool, calm and collected. However, it didn’t take long for the thin-skinned Trump to go off the rails.
Donald Trump had one task: to erase the notion that he is completely unprepared and unqualified to be president. He didn’t do it. In the words of one political pundit, the Republican nominee went from the very likeable and presidential “Teleprompter Trump” to the feisty attack-dog “Twitter Trump” to the downright nasty “Rally Trump” — all within the first 30 minutes. It was not a good look.
Appearing every bit as a veteran politician and highly experienced debater, Hillary Clinton worked Debate Round 1 like a professional fisherman. Or in other words, she picked her spots, set the traps, then sat back and watched while Trump took the bait every single time. He just couldn’t help himself.
Mrs. Clinton drew cheers from the crowd when she criticized her challenger’s economic plan as “Trumped up trickle-down economics that relies on tax cuts for the wealthy.” She also hit on such hot-topic points as Trump’s unreleased tax returns, his stiffing former employees by not paying them, his multiple corporate bankruptcies, his years of leading the “birther” movement against President Obama, as well as his belief that most black and Hispanic Americans are living in hell.
In contrast, Trump spent the night snorting and breathing hard into the mic, sipping water (a la Marco Rubio), repeatedly interrupting his challenger, and remaining in a perpetual state of argument mode. Instead of using his valuable minutes to turn the tides on Hillary Clinton’s transgressions, Trump was more concerned with his trademark move of chasing after the personal attack. His performance became so heated, USA Today writer Rochelle Riley said she was waiting for Trump to say “Yo mama” to Clinton.
At one point, Trump bragged about his recent campaign appearances throughout the country, while making the point that Hillary Clinton “stayed home.” Her response was priceless.
“I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And yes, I did,” Mrs. Clinton said. “And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. And I think that’s a good thing.”
During another part of the evening, Trump used Mrs. Clinton’s recent bout with pneumonia to question her stamina for the presidency. Again, her response was golden.
“As soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a cease-fire, a release of dissidents, an opening of new opportunities in nations around the world, or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina,” Mrs. Clinton said, once again prompting cheers from the crowd.
A CNN/ORC Poll conducted immediately following Debate Round 1 tilted heavily in favor of Hillary Clinton, with 62% to 27% believing she was the clear winner of the night.
Appearing every bit as a veteran politician and highly experienced debater, Hillary Clinton worked Debate Round 1 like a professional fisherman. Or in other words, she picked her spots, set the traps, then sat back and watched while Trump took the bait every single time. He just couldn’t help himself. [….]
DJ, your entire post is dead on. BRAVO!
Truth is, I could not wait to get to work this morning and read your post because I knew you were going to hit it OUT the park and you did NOT fail…Lol.
Seriously DJ. Great summary.
When it comes to Trump, the one thing you can always count on is that he will always…ALWAYS….SINK to the occasion. In other words, he will always be himself because he truly can NOT help himself.
Nor can his supporters help themselves. No doubt most of them think he did just fine last night Or they're feverishly trying to scapegoat such a disastrous performance.
But I cannot imagine that many of the Undecideds or True Independents who watched Trump last night was somehow swayed to vote for that dangerous fool to be President of The United States. .
Still. I do hope that Hillary truly understands that this thing ain't over until it's over. She can't afford to take even one vote for granted. She should pay no attention to polls (good or bad). Just get out there and fight for every vote.
But yes. she did just fine last night.
Thank you for your kind words, Truthiz1, and as always for your continued support!
– DJ
Rod Dreher, TAC writer:
That’s it. Trump blew this thing, in my view. Hillary caught her stride about a half-hour in, and showed herself to be presidential. He came off as extremely unprepared. I cannot believe Trump helped himself tonight, though for all I know, the voters loved him. Hillary didn’t have a big win, but she did win, and I believe that she stopped the bleeding for her campaign.
I know that everybody has a different standard for Trump, but if Trump ends up judged the winner of this debate in the polls, I don’t know what to say anymore. There is no way Donald Trump is ready to be President of the United States. No way. And I don’t believe many undecided voters changed their mind to vote for Trump based on his performance tonight. [….]
TAC Reader:
Clinton’s most effective tactic: mention some sore spot of Trump’s and let him eviscerate himself with his own words. The man simply cannot avoid being baited. [….]
Politico Reader:
I haven't witnessed an ass-whoopin' like that since my brother lied to mom about breaking the lamp in the living room. […]
"Upset With Last Night’s Debate? Blame Trump Himself."
This morning he’s blaming the microphone. Last night on CNN, Corey Lewandowski blamed Lester Holt. But the person who has more control over Donald Trump’s debate performance than anyone else is… Donald Trump. No one else can go up there and make his argument for him. If his fans are disappointed this morning, they should be disappointed with him. And if they’re mad, they should be mad at him. […] Jim Geraghty, National Review Online (NRO) writer
RedState Reader:
I'm really embarrassed for all the people who claimed that he would wipe the stage with her….in reality he just further exposed that he has no business on that stage. […]
RedState Reader:
Trump telling us about his great temperament came across like the guy who says, "You know what the problem with ten thousand battered women across this country is? THEY JUST DON'T LISTEN. […]
RedState Reader:
He finished the demolition last night. Priebus should be fired for the demise when he did not allow dissenting voices to have a say at the convention. […]
Ok I've been in training all day and late to respond but I've been holding this in all day. Trump got schooled plain and simple. He is in way over his head and it showed. It is so easy to bait this man it isn't even funny. I bet a lot of world leaders watched this debate and know if Trump becomes prez all they have to do is make him mad and they got him. He must have been picked on as a child because it is so easy to get under his skin as a adult. He was unprepared and didn't know what he was talking about. He lied left and right. Plus he looked like a spoiled brat child who was ready to start calling names. Trump is a joke but not a funny one. I can't wait until he loses and we never have to talk about him again.
"Trump is a joke but not a funny one. I can't wait until he loses and we never have to talk about him again."
I couldn't agree with you more BD. He's a joke. A dangerous joke. But a joke nonetheless. And like millions of Americans who truly love this country, I pray there are enough of Us who will vote and ensure that he never gets anywhere near the White House. I truly believe We will defeat him.
However, I also believe people will continue to talk about him..at least in the short term after the election. I know that I will because I think it's vital that we look at just the how such a dangerous moron (and racist and misogynist pig) was able to rise to this threatening level in the first place.
And I definitely want to a white HOT light turned on his supporters, especially Repub leaders. IMO, their support of such an ignorant and vile creature is tantamount to committing an act of Treason.
The split screen on Donald did him in. He didn't do a good jot at all.
Trump just lost the election last night. Thank God!
NY Post:
Hillary Clinton was boring and exceptionally well-prepared. Donald Trump was exciting but embarrassingly undisciplined. He began with his strongest argument — that the political class represented by her has failed us and it’s time to look to a successful dealmaker for leadership — and kept to it pretty well for the first 20 minutes.
Then due to the vanity and laziness that led him to think he could wing the most important 95 minutes of his life, he lost the thread of his argument, he lost control of his temper and he lost the perspective necessary to correct these mistakes as he went.
Methodically and carefully, Hillary Clinton took over. Her purpose was to show she was rational and policy-driven, the kind of person who could be trusted to handle a careful and delicate job with prudence and sobriety — and that he was none of these things.
And she succeeded. By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O’Donnell and about how he hasn’t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking.
By the time the last 15 minutes rolled around, he was reduced to yammering about Rosie O’Donnell being mean to him and Hillary running mean commercials about him and praising himself because there are some really terrible things he could have said about Hillary but hasn’t. By this point, even his smart closing zinger — “she has experience but it’s bad experience” — was buried inside a weird word salad that reduced its effectiveness to almost nil.
During the first presidential debate, during a discussion about Donald Trump's refusal to release his tax returns, Hillary Clinton noted that he's "paid nothing in federal taxes" in recent years. "That makes me smart," Trump bragged.
Donald Trump an hour afterward:
Dana Bash (CNN): “My question for you is, first of all, it sounds like you admitted that you hadn't paid federal taxes and that that was smart. Is that what you meant to say?
Trump: “No, I didn't say that at all.”
Wed. Sept. 28th
RedState Reader:
Personally, I'm surprised anyone thought Trump would actually win this debate. About the best anyone can expect from Trump is for him to avoid going into a red-faced, spittle-flecked rage and hurling childish insults. He's immature, thin skinned, and dim-witted.
Spoiler alert: Trump will lose the next two debates, as well (if he shows up for both). [….]
Townhall Reader:
In the first 5 minutes I thought a miracle had happened and Trump had grown up. But no, that'll never happen. He's the most undisciplined person I've ever seen. He did nothing to make people like him and a lot to make people not like him…he couldn't stop interrupting Hillary. But Hillary proved to be the adult. Trump is a real disappointment and he has no business being a candidate. [….]