
Mic Drop From Barack Obama?

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Obama mic drop
Obama Mic Drop

Entertainment –
Mic Drop From Barack Obama?

Despite political differences, we all might agree that Barack Obama is probably the coolest president ever. We also might agree that his final State of the Union Address was perhaps his best ever. However, did President Obama drop the mic at the SOTU Address?

According to Internet comedy team The Gregory Brothers, President Obama brought a dance troop to the annual congressional event.  They claim he even sang, rapped and got Vice-President Biden and Speaker Ryan involved in the fun.

No, you didn’t miss this incredible feat during the televised speech since it never really happened. However, the slickly produced video  from The Gregory Brothers will have you wishing such a musical moment really did go down as depicted!






OK WASSUP! covers entertainment news.  Today’s article:
Did President Obama drop the microphone
at the annual SOTU Address?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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