Comments on: Michael Brown Laid To Rest News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:06:38 +0000 Yeah that pretty much sums it up. The whole cigar theft was a made up excuse by the police chief, until he realized it would be found out. No wonder people don't trust police nowadays.

By: Truthizz Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:54:30 +0000 On a related note….

"Darren Wilson’s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities"

The Washington Post:
The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.

That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson.

Some of the Jennings officers reapplied for their jobs, but Wilson got a job in the police department in the nearby city of Ferguson. […..]


By: Truthizz Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:23:43 +0000 Now….regarding some of what I heard expressed at Brown's funeral (via CNN) yesterday:

I think his family and friends would do well to STOP trying to paint Michael as an "angel."

I'm not saying that he wasn't an "angel" or "gentle" to the people he cared for.

But as the video clearly shows, Michael had a NOT-so-gentle side to him too. In fact, in that video he appears to come across as a thuggish bully, intimidating someone much smaller and older.

Does that mean Wilson was justified in shooting Brown down in the street? Of course not.

But for anyone to claim (as was done at his funeral) that Michael died in service to "the Lord," in some form or fashion, I'd say takes mockery and cynicism to a whole new level.

Michael Brown was killed trying to get away from a a cop (a bad cop, but a cop nonetheless) who he may have thought was after him for stealing cigars.

By: Truthizz Tue, 26 Aug 2014 11:49:01 +0000 So wait. The store owner is claiming that he/she NEVER even reported the stolen cigars incident to the police!?!

And further the police didn't even see the surveillance video "until AFTER Michael Brown was shot dead in the street" like a dog!?! His body left laying in the street, under the blistering sun for 4 HOURS!?!

See THIS right here. THIS (and so much more) is what makes a NON-violent Black woman like Me want to grab a baseball bat, go to the Ferguson police department_and other DIRTY, ROTTEN, RACIST and CORRUPT police departments, around the country…and beat the h*ll out of every DIRTY, ROTTEN, RACIST and CORRUPT cop employed there.

From the very top to the very bottom!!!
