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Michael Moore: ‘Trump Will Win 2 Terms’

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Most of the world sees Donald Trump as a bumbling idiot.  However, documentary filmmaker Michael Moore is now saying it’s all an act and that Trump is an evil genius who is actually smart enough to pull off yet another win for a 2nd term!

Current Events
“Too many people in the summer of 2016 were so sure Hillary [Clinton] was going to win, saying no one is going to vote for this idiot,” Michael Moore said while promoting “Fahrenheit 11/9,” his upcoming film about the Trump 2016 victory. “He could win again. I operate as if he is a two-term Trump. I have to. If you think any other way you are guaranteeing that whoever is going to run against him will lose.”

Interestingly, Michael Moore was called “crazy” for being one of the first people to predict a Trump win over Hillary Clinton.

Moore went on to explain the phenomenon of Donald Trump.

Michael Moore
Michael Moore

“I think the man is an evil genius and he was able to outsmart the smartest person ever to run for president,” Moore said. “He figured out how to win by losing the election. How did that happen? Historians are going to deal with this for years to come.”

Moore then went on to say that he believes it is Trump himself who is behind the numerous White House leaks, including the anonymous op-ed piece published by The New York Times.

“Trump wrote it. Trump or one of his minions wrote it,” he said. “He’s the master distractor. He’s the king of the misdirect. If we have learned anything by now, it’s that he does things to get people to turn away. Let me give you the line in there that is most identifiable that he wants the public to believe. It’s the line that says, ‘Don’t worry, adults are in the room.’ That’s the idea, to get us to calm down and look away from what he’s really doing.”

Moore added that Donald Trump and his supporters didn’t just magically materialize from thin air. They’ve always been there, waiting and watching. Trump was simply smart enough to use ignorance to appeal to the ignorant, the white trash racists, and the forgotten.

Could Michael Moore be on to something?

Michael Moore

Nevertheless, if Paul Manafort drops a dime on ‘The Donald’ to Robert Mueller (as is expected any day now), it won’t matter if Trump is an evil genius or not.  At that point, he’ll be a criminal and an indicted felon who could be headed to jail instead of another round inside the Oval Office.

OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Michael Moore predicts a smart Trump will win twice!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Moore is a flaming “left-wing activist” who is quite passionate about what he believes. He’s known for espousing “fiery left-wing populism” which means his cultural-socio-political views tend to be a little too far *left* for me. But he’s an intelligent man who did indeed predict Trump could-and probably would- win the presidency in 2016.

    He’s also correct when he warns that Trump could win a 2nd term. All it would take is (1) Dems nominating another terrible candidate and (2) millions of voters opting NOT to vote in 2020 just like they did in 2016.

    Rest assured, Trump voters will show up and vote for that fool!

    But here’s what Moore gets wrong – to him, Trump winning the presidency means Trump is some kind of “evil genius” who “figured out how to win by losing.” Umm…No.

    In fact, no one was more surprised than Trump when he won the presidency. He, his family even his campaign staff, all were visibly shocked at the results!

    And let’s be real- Trump isn’t the first president to lose the popular vote and win the EC count. For example, the 2000 presidential election, G. “Dubya” Bush won the presidency via the EC while Al Gore won the popular vote. It happens.

    Bottom line: Approx. 100 MILLION voters decided NOT to vote in 2016 and THAT’s what led to Trump’s EC win by the SLIM margin of about 77,000 votes across 3 states combined, PA, Wisc., and Mich.

    Dems had better understand…it could happen again.

  2. I think he could win another term if he was running because of all the crazies out there. But I think Muller will get him before that even comes up. He has done too much dirt over the years that is about to catch up with him. Once Paul Manafort tells all he knows Trump might not make it to Christmas

    1. “…I think Muller will get him before that even comes up. He has done too much dirt over the years that is about to catch up with him.”

      I hope you’re right BD. Lord knows I hope you’re right.

      Nonetheless, the Dems had better nominate a good candidate – one with brains, class and heart, who’s not afraid to fight for what he/she believes in.

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