Comments on: MICHELLE…MY BELLE News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 06 Apr 2009 19:46:00 +0000 I'm convinced that the primary reason Obama "haters" tend to become UNhinged at the very mention of the name, "Obama", is because:The President and First-Lady have shown themselevs to be Extremely intelligent, self-Confident, capable, CLASSY, principled and HIGHLY successful. Hence, the Obamas are seriously mucking with the twisted world-view of "haters", as they not only DEFY stereotypes (to say nothing of the LIES circulated DAILY). But they are shattering those steroetypes to peices! In contrast to the "BACKASSWARD" population group in America__I think it is precisely those same Exemplary qualities that have made the Obamas so "Welcomed" in Europe.Not only are Europeans seeing America in a "new" light. But they're seeing people of Color (Black-Americans) in a "new" light. Many Europeans appear to be both, in awe and utterly "smitten" by the Obamas.As an American I couldn't be more proud to have such an Extraordinary couple (along with their beautiful daughters) in the White House!

By: Anonymous Fri, 03 Apr 2009 17:15:00 +0000 Michelle Obama is a TRUE Lady! And anybody who said those other nasty comments is just crazy!!Just look at her in those photos. She's already one of the best First Lady's we ever had.What she and the president are doing for America's image in the world is just outstanding. FINALLY America has intelligent royalty back in the White House!
