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In what could easily be seen as union busting for future political gain, the Republican controlled congress and governor successfully made Michigan the nations 24th “right-to-work” state.

Despite protests from a plethora of protesters, including members of the United Auto Workers union and even President Obama, Michigan lawmakers shoved through the right-to-work law last night, dealing a devastating blow to a state that is almost synonymous with the concept of organized labor.  Republicans acted so quickly, Democratic and union leaders never had time to prepare a proper resistance.

The right-to-work measure is controversial because it means employees will no longer be mandated to join or pay dues to any union. They will lose all protections that unions provide, but may work as independent contractors instead. Although Republicans made it appear on the surface that the move would be positive for workers, union leaders cried foul, claiming the move was a loosely veiled attempt to deflate organized labor and decrease their leadership and power in the political process.

Protesters pounced on the Capitol, shouting “Shame on you!” and “No justice, no peace” as the law was being passed. Not long after its passage, Republican Gov. Rick Snyder signed it into law, prompting Democrats to warn that hard feelings over the legislation and Republicans’ refusal to hold committee hearings or allow a statewide referendum would not be forgotten.

“For millions of Michigan workers, this is no ordinary debate,” U.S. Sen. Carl Levin said after the vote. “It’s an assault on their right to have their elected bargaining agent negotiate their pay, benefits and working conditions, and to have all who benefit from such negotiations share in some way in the cost of obtaining them.”

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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