Comments on: MID EAST DOMINO’S FALL News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 21 Feb 2011 20:16:55 +0000 DJ:"During the uprising in Egypt, King Abdullah of Jordan replaced his entire cabinet in a  preemptive move to alleviate any brewing dissension."Uh-huh. As if the Jordanian people don't know WHO is actually IN control <giving> and to blame for the growing dissension.Look. Whether it's Jordan, Libya, Bahrain, Tehran…etc., ruling Dictators may not be willing to go quietly (in fact most of them AREN'T). But the truth is the *genie* is already OUT of the bottle. People in the Middle East (particularly the young, UNemployed, UNDERemployed and educated) want *Change.* They know it won't be easy and they know it won't happen over night. Many protestors have already died. Many more WILL die. But once an idea has taken root among the ill-treated masses that *idea* takes on a life of its own. It's extremely Powerful and very contagious.We'll see where it goes.Btw: I'm still crediting the American people election of the First Black President of the United States with planting the seed of *Change* in the minds of young people in the Middle East. The Tunisian people were the first to test the *idea* over there…THEN Egypt and now others.</giving>
