Comments on: Midterm Election 2018: Democrats Win House! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 12 Nov 2018 07:48:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Wed, 07 Nov 2018 21:27:25 +0000 One thing a lot of people are forgetting is how important those governor wins were. District lines are drawn up on the state level. Those New Democratic governors can help eliminate the gerrymandering that’s been going on with Republicans.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 07 Nov 2018 18:51:16 +0000 TAC Reader:
“The president’s instincts prevailed…”

Yep- xenophobia and racism resonates with the Republican base. Why pretend it’s anything else? […]

TAC Reader:
Trump is what he has always been, a shameless, self-promoting hack. He’s a good pet to have if you are an oligarch. while the “blue wave’ in the House of Representatives is not benign, the real power (impeachment, legislation) lies in the Senate, which is not based on “popular vote” (each State has two Senators, regardless of population. All this being said, one would hope the election will produce a more collaborative approach in DC. for example, as an American, I would like to see the Democrat controlled House “repeal and replace” the ACA with a better system, secure the borders and address immigration (sans wall), and bring the troops home. if, after these “win-win” accomplishments, we can talk impeachment. […]

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 07 Nov 2018 18:47:54 +0000 “A Good Night for Senate Republicans, A Bad Night for Trumpism”

The president’s instincts prevailed, but what has he done for the rest of his party?

Trump demonstrated once again Tuesday night that when it comes to serving up red meat to the red states, he is an unparalleled talent who knows how to counterpunch. Yes, the House with all its investigative and impeachment powers has fallen into the hands of his most determined foes as Democrats rode a wave of suburban anti-Trump revulsion. But in an unlikely pairing with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, he helped recruit several successful Senate candidates and ushered them across the finish line.

Like the old joke about talented but turnover-prone quarterbacks, Trump keeps both teams in the game. He turned out both the Democratic and the Republican bases, winning at home even if not compiling the best record away. He cost his party the House and kept it in control of the Senate.

What the president has failed to do is translate those political instincts into a coherent Trumpist program that delivers on the promise of his election. There are tariffs and some restrictionist moves on immigration, though the rhetoric is often sharper than the reality, generating more heat than light. […] TAC writer

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 07 Nov 2018 18:37:56 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

Yes BD, the “Dems can be a thorn in his side in congress.” But the Dems had better also do More than that -IF they have any prayer of retaking the White House in 2020. Right now that’s a big “IF.”

Dems will have to govern as effectively as they can. And IMO they didn’t really do that even when Pres. Obama was in office. The Dems are not really Unified. I don’t see it.

But I do agree with you on the Mueller investigation. That is still hanging over Trump’s head and we don’t know what the outcome of that will reveal.

By: Mr.BD Wed, 07 Nov 2018 17:21:43 +0000 I was said about Gillum and Abrams not winning but I just heard on the news that Gillum could still have a chance because it was less than .5 points he lost. They have to do a recount or a run off or something in Florida now. Even if it doesn’t work out the Dems still got a lot of governor races. The senate was going to be hard anyway no matter how you look at it.
