
Mike Lindell Gives Pillows In A Hurricane???

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The heart of millionaire Mike Lindell might be in the right place, but his brain proves he’s about 99 cents short of a dollar.

Entertainment :
Mike Lindell, best known as the “My Pillow Guy” and a savage Donald Trump/MAGA supporter, decided he wanted to help the residents of Florida following damage from last month’s Hurricane Ian. However, instead of donating money, providing food, or offering shelter to the people who lost their homes and everything they owned, the My Pillow Guy thought it would be a brilliant idea to hand out… pillows.

Mike Lindell

Yes, Lindell, flew 10,000 pillows to Ft. Myers, Florida (which included about 3,000 “bible” pillows that were covered in scriptures and religious art) and handed them out to residents in front of homes that had been nearly toppled to the ground. Of course, he first made sure the cameras were rolling and that he had a PR sales pitch (to promote his business) ready to spew as he tossed pillows to the needy.

Imagine having NO food, NO shoes on your feet, and NO home to lay your head — but someone tosses you a pillow covered in bible passages along with a PR stunt clearly designed to sell pillows that people simply aren’t buying anymore.

Too bad it really is just as crazy as it sounds.



OK WASSUP! discusses Entertainment News:
Mike Lindell and pillows for hurricane victims.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Heartless, cynical and slimy – all rolled into one. That’s Mike Lindell.

    Plus, he’s a teasonous piece of garbage, added to all that.

    Trump and his ilk really are in the Bottom of the Bottom-feeders league of their own.


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