Comments on: MILITIA UPRISING News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Sun, 25 Apr 2010 17:26:48 +0000 I have to say: When I look at the intellectual and personality types of today’s right-wing militias, I am reminded that: A “mind” is indeed a terrible thing to waste _OR_ to NOT have in the first place_smh.The truth is, right-wing militias have been around since long BEFORE the election of Obama to the Presidency. But TRUE, his election certainly agitated their already DISTURBED state of mind_which brings me to what I believe is the actual primary impulse (if you will) driving the extreme thoughts and behaviors of most_if not ALL_militia members and the like: PARANOID DELUSIONS with violent tendencies. In short: They see “bogeymen” and other perceived “threats” everywhere. Their obsession with “the enemy” and their love for LOTS and LOTS of guns and other assorted weaponry is typical of life in “their” world. They should be taken seriously because, at the very least, they are almost totally DETACHED from reality! Take away their weapons and what you have are groups of seriously mentally ILL people who should be on psychotropic meds DAILY and closely monitored. Being racists and bigots are secondary impulses.
