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“Our son is your son.”

Those are the words of Sybrina Fulton, mother of slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin prior to a major demonstration yesterday in honor of her son. Hundreds of people gathered at Union Square in New York City yesterday, in what was billed as a “Million Hoodie March” in his memory.

“My son did not deserve to die,” the teen’s father, Tracy Martin, said after thanking the crowd. 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was killed February 26th in Sanford, FL while he was returning home to a gated community in the city after buying candy at a local convenience store. He was shot by 25-year-old George Zimmerman, a self-appointed neighborhood watchman who is believed to have racially profiled the teen for supposedly looking “suspicious” in the ritzy neighborhood.  Trayvon was unarmed at the time and wearing a hooded sweat shirt, also known as a hoodie.

During the protest, demonstrators chanted “we want arrests” and called for the Sanford police chief to step down, after botching the investigation and failing to arrest Zimmerman.

Sybrina Fulton told the crowd: “My heart is in pain, but to see the support of all of you really makes a difference.”

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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"Our son is your son."Wow. No truer words have ever been spoken…particularly as those words relate to MILLIONS of Black mothers who for, generation after generation, here in America, have had to pray even harder for their Black sons. Zimmerman (who it seems may actually be a paranoid-obsessive headcase AND a racist) did act with intent to do harm to that young innocent Black boy when, armed with a GUN, he chased Trayvon down for NO good reason and cold-bloodedly killed him. And the police let Zimmerman WALK!?!Sadly, this tragic story does speaks to SEVERAL culturally/social issues, critical to the betterment of America as a nation and society, that MUST addressed:    1st: Racial profiling and other forms of racial discriminatory practices AND biases in the American Criminal Justice Systems. Zimmerman has NOT yet been arrested. Nor has the police chief been suspended of his duties. Need I say more?!  2nd. The "Stand Your Ground" Law: I just learned yesterday is actually enacted in at least 16 states. The truth is, before this shooting I'd never heard of it before. Now let… Read more »


<span>US News/MSN: "Police chief receives vote of no confidence over handling of Trayvon Martin case" </span><span></span><span>The Sanford City Commission voted 3-2 that it had no confidence in Police Chief Bill Lee Jr. over his handling of the Trayvon Martin shooting Wednesday. </span><span></span><span>Velma Williams, the city’s only black commissioner, said she spent 15 years trying to bring together the black community and white community, and the Martin episode has taken an emotional toll.   “And now this. It’s a national embarrassment," she said.  […]</span><span></span><span>Read:… </span>


<span>Quote for the Day   “I do think this story will alter the landscape in the way the media covers victims of color and possibly the way the police handle the cases as well. This case proves there is interest in seeing justice for people who look like Trayvon, and that these incidents can’t just be swept under the rug.’’                                                                             ~  Sybrina Fulton  Hmm. Let. Us. Pray.  </span>


Update: "Trayvon Martin Case: Lead Investigator Asked to Step Down"As tensions between community leaders and residents in Sanford, Fla., reach a boiling point, the man leading the investigation into the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin is being asked to step down.During a heated special meeting regarding the death of the unarmed teen, who was allegedly shot and killed by self-appointed neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman, Sanford city commissioners conducted a vote of "no confidence" against embattled Police Chief Billy Lee. Three of five commissioners voted against the chief.One commissioner demanded that Lee resign. It is now up to the city manager to decide whether or not to let Lee go."The unknown in a tragedy will make the heart do crazy things, and we haven't done a good job of getting out in front of that," said Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett after the vote. "I have confidence in him in… Read more »


I wish I knew about that rally in NY yesterday or I would have gone. I'm glad this is getting national attention now. George Zimmerman needs to be behind bars. God help him once he goes to jail though because his real justice he will get from inmates who don't like you messing with kids.


 zimmerman called treyvon a f-ckin coon on the 911 tape. so how are they gonna say hes not racist? i want more people paying attention to that

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