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Million MAGA March Melee And Violence

- Pro-Trump protesters continue claims that the election was rigged.

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A so-called Million MAGA March on Saturday was supposed to be a protest of the election results in support of Donald Trump. Instead, it turned into a brutal melee between anti-Trump forces and white supremacist MAGA fanatics.

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Somehow, Trump supporters convinced themselves that stealing the idea of the Million Man March of 1995 (for Black men) and creating a ‘Million MAGA March’ (for Trumpies) was a bright idea. They also convinced themselves that marching through the streets of Washington, DC would somehow overturn the 2020 presidential election results, revoke Joe Biden’s 306 electoral vote win, and magically hand Donald Trump another 4 years.

Too bad for them, they were wrong on all counts!

Million MAGA March

Not only did the Million MAGA March have an ice cube’s chance in hell of reversing the constitutionally legal and democratic voting process, but their overly-optimistic expectation of a million MAGA followers fell well short with an estimated crowd of around 10,000 people.

The principal attendees of the Million MAGA March referred to themselves as “patriots” and carried placards that read “Stop The Steal.” They included such white supremacist/militia/hate groups as the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and Three Percenters, as well as QAnon conspiracy fanatics and other far right-wing misfits. Speakers included Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor-Greene, who is a proud and public supporter of the QAnon conspiracy theory, as well as far-right figures Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec. A special surprise guest included Donald Trump himself, who drove through the crowd in a secret-service-protected motorcade, obviously getting his bruised and depressed (from losing) ego stroked by the adoring MAGA fanatics screaming his name as if he were the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.

And then, the real action began.


Anti-Trump forces were hell-bent on disrupting the white supremacist circle-jerk of Donald Trump. They were also intent on obstructing the flexing of white privilege that was blatantly attempting to overturn an election simply because the MAGA’s didn’t like the results.

Soon, the presence of the conflicting groups became the equivalent of mixing gasoline with fire.

After an exchange of tense words and obscenities, a fight broke out between 2 large groups of people at 10th Street and New York Avenue NW around 8:30pm. A man shouted “Get out of here!” through a bullhorn and was swiftly attacked. Someone tossed fireworks over a group of MAGA diners sitting outside at a sidewalk restaurant. Then, a man in his 20s was stabbed in the back.


As they overtook the streets of DC, the Million MAGA March sycophants appeared more like a cult than a political movement. With QAnon characters screaming conspiracy theories and white supremacists shouting about their alleged superiority, it was clear these Trump disciples all drank the ‘Kool-Aid’ — just as the Jim Jones disciples did in 1978.

“F*ck his feelings. Trump’s a loser and his backers are whiners.” – Anti-Trump protester

“Trump was the best president we’d ever had” because he “did everything he said he would,” said 60-year-old Jerry Babb.

Others regurgitated the mistrust of state ballot counts and the media — just as Trump conditioned them to believe — and were convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump had, in fact, won the presidency.

Stevan Roknic, of Hobart, Indiana, said it was “mysterious” how Trump had been reported to have lost the election.

“Trump was winning, he had the election in a landslide,” Roknic said. “And then in the middle of the night they stopped doing the count, and mysteriously all these votes showed up for Joe Biden. I don’t buy it.”

He also added that he believes the coronavirus pandemic was “orchestrated” just as Trump said, and that the “make-believe” virus had a role in turning the election to the Democrats.

“This is not a political party. It’s a cult.” – Thomas Friedman

Alexandira Juarez wore a “Latinas for Trump” t-shirt to the march.

“I absolutely love Trump and what he’s done for this country, and he got robbed from 4 more years,” she said.

When asked how she was able to support Trump after seeing him separate Latino children from their families at the border, Juarez said she didn’t believe the children were actually separated.

Million MAGA March

Still, others said they would like to see Donald Trump seize control of the government and reject election results. When reminded that such a move would equate to a dictatorship rather than the democracy America was built upon, they were not deterred. To them, Donald Trump was the end-all.

With so much misinformation and blatant ignorance running rampant among the mostly-maskless Trumpies who emphatically refused to even consider logic or common sense, the Million MAGA March actually proved to be the Million Moron March.


OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
The Million MAGA March melee.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. A so-called Million MAGA March on Saturday was supposed to be a protest of the election results in support of Donald Trump. Instead, it turned into a brutal melee between anti-Trump forces and white supremacist MAGA fanatics. […]- DJ

    Those people in BOTH groups are IMO just menaces to society. Left-wing extremists are no better than right-wing extremists and that’s all Trump voters are. Right-wing extremists. Both groups are motivated by spewing venom and looking for trouble.    

    The only difference as far as I can tell is that right-wing extremists tend to be racists and bigots. Other than that I don’t see much difference between the two groups. 

    I really don’t.  

  2. On a related note….something just doesn’t add up if you ask me.

    Throughout the presidential campaigns in 2016 and in 2020 Trump’s rallies were always packed with supporters who APPEARED to genuinely support him. In fact, they flock to his rallies like flies to a feast of elephant dung. And this year his support grew to over 71 million voters.

    And yet, the pitiful showing at the “Million MAGA March” is very similar to the pitiful “Truckers for Trump” rally in D.C. in 2016 or 2017. I remember Hannity and Limbaugh hyping that rally up only to have pretty much nobody show up.

    So when I glanced at this rally on tv, in real time on Saturday, I thought to myself – is that it? Out of 71+ Million Trump voters NOT even 15,000 of them could be bothered to show up for the “Stop the Steal” protest?!


    1. Hey Truth you have a point. A lot of those people at his rally’s are paid actors. I saw a couple of times he was willing to pay black people to go. I would not put it past him if he was using the same people all the time.

  3. Female Black Lives Matter protester knocked out after pulling knife on Proud Boys at Trump march

    A female Black Lives Matter activist was knocked unconscious after she reportedly stole an American flag from a member of the Proud Boys at the massive Trump march in Washington DC on Saturday, Nov. 14.  

    Cellphone videos show the Black woman holding an American flag while fending off a group of white males with a switch blade. Another BLM activist on a motorcycle appears to be with the woman. Both women wore motorcycle helmets.  

    The caption under one of the videos explains that the woman stole the flag from a Trump supporter. When the men demanded the flag back, she yelled, “Don’t touch my wife!” 
    Moments later, a man snatched the flag away from her, causing her to drop the knife. When she reached down to pick up the knife, another man clobbered her from behind with his motorcycle helmet.  

    She lost consciousness and collapsed in the street as her “wife” sped off on the motorcycle. […] – SandraRose 11-16-20

  4. I blame Trump for this whole mess. He is telling people all these lies about vote fraud and they are believing him. Nobody would have even been out there if he admitted he lost and moved on. He got his people ready to fight over some nonsense that does not even exist. Look at the latina lady who does not even believe children got separated. They are all ignorant and Trump is playing them.

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