Perry, Pence Implicated In Impeachment Inquiry
The impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump has now added 2 new targets: VP Mike Pence and former Texas governor and current Trump flunkie/Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
On Friday, the House Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs committees sent a joint letter to Pence effectively targeting him in Trump’s impeachment mess.
“Recently, public reports have raised questions about any role you may have played in conveying or reinforcing the president’s stark message to the Ukrainian president,” the letter stated. Additionally, it referenced a member of Pence’s staff who may have directly participated in the July telephone call between Trump and the Ukranian president; documents Pence may currently have privy to, including a record of the call; and Pence’s own September meeting with the Ukrainian president in Warsaw, “during which you reportedly discussed the Administration’s hold on US security assistance to Ukraine.”
Pence now has until October 15th to turn over documents to the House committees, or else his lack of cooperation “shall constitute evidence of obstruction of the House’s impeachment inquiry and may be used as an adverse inference against you and the president,” the letter asserted. It was signed by Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff, Eliot Engel, and Elijah Cummings.
If that wasn’t enough, Rick Perry is now planning to resign as Energy Secretary in November. His surprise resignation follows the news that he “supported and encouraged” Donald Trump’s July 25th phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Not surprisingly, Perry is claiming that he never encouraged any wrongdoing and that the Trump call was only intended to be about “energy” matters.
“Secretary Perry absolutely supported and encouraged the President to speak to the new President of Ukraine to discuss matters related to their energy security and economic development. He continues to believe that there is significant need for improved regional energy security — which is exactly why he is heading to Lithuania tonight to meet with nearly two dozen European energy leaders (including Ukraine) on these issues,” Energy Department spokeswoman Shaylyn Hynes said in a statement.
Despite the rather obvious spin-game from Rick Perry, White House transcripts of the telephone call between Trump and Zelensky easily prove that no energy matters were discussed at all. In fact, the “favor” to bring down Joe Biden was very clearly the topic at hand.
Rick Perry sees the inevitable sinking of Trump’s “Titanic” so, he’s trying to save himself before the ship goes down. However, he and Mike Pence might be too deeply involved to avoid taking the coming plunge with ‘The Donald.’
The Perry-Pence news was only part of the turmoil in Trumpworld on Monday, as ‘The Donald’ reversed a decision to pull troops out of Syria after enormous backlash from foreign allies and top Republicans in Congress.
The Perry-Pence news was only part of the turmoil in Trumpworld on Monday, as ‘The Donald’ reversed a decision to pull troops out of Syria after enormous backlash from foreign allies and top Republicans in Congress. […] -DJ
Yep. He thew them under the bus. And they shouldn’t be surprised. Trump will throw anybody under the bus to save his own sorry azz. Anybody. And those closest to him should know this by now.
Re; Syria
We’ll have to wait and see IF his impulsive decision to abandon the Kurds in Syria ends up actually costing him some support among his true base. But talibangelical preacher, Pat Robertson, is angry. (See; Robertson’s response)
Pat Robertson: Trump Will Lose His ‘Mandate of Heaven’ if He Pulls Out of Syria
“I am absolutely appalled that the United States is going to betray those democratic forces in northern Syria,” he said during Monday’s broadcast of The 700 Club, first spotted by Right Wing Watch. “That we are possibly going to allow the Turkish to come in against the Kurds.”
Calling Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a “thug” and “dictator,” Robertson said it was “nonsense” to call the Turkish leader an ally of America, claiming Erdogan is just “in for himself.”
Robertson, who has been a loyal Trump supporter, then took full aim at the president.
“The president, who allowed [Washington Post journalist Jamal] Khashoggi to be cut in pieces without any repercussions whatsoever, is now allowing the Christians and the Kurds to be massacred by the Turks,” he exclaimed. “The President of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven if he permits this to happen. […] – The Daily Beast
I love watching these Repubs lie until they cannot lie no more. They didn’t even try to lie about Syria they just had to be honest for a change. I wonder if Pence and Mike Perry will do the same thing and stop tying themselves in knots trying to make up lies. .
BD, they really are quite the sight aren’t they.
Repub Senators (and Congressmen) reduced to nothing but lying cowards; fearful of a mean tweet from a 5X draft-dodging Fake alpha, serial-lying, con-man and ignoramus ta boot.
What a party. What a spectacle.