Misleading Sanders Ad Misquotes Obama
Former President Barack Obama has purposely avoided endorsing anyone for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president. Still, that hasn’t stopped a new and misleading Sanders ad from presenting itself as if the 44th president has suddenly started “feeling the Bern.”
Joe Biden mopped the floor with Bernie Sanders during the Super Tuesday Democratic presidential primary and collected endorsements from Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Beto O’Rourke, and Mike Bloomberg. So, Sanders (who has been extremely critical of President Obama in the past) responded by coming up with a “magical” and misleading Sanders ad that is deceiving at best and an outright lie at its worst.
“Bernie is somebody who has the virtue of saying exactly what he believes,” Mr. Obama is heard saying in the ad. “Great authenticity, great passion, and is fearless.”
However, what Bernie doesn’t tell you is that the ad was spliced together from words Mr. Obama made about Sanders on 3 different occasions: an interview with Politico in 2016, a 2006 speech then-President Obama made in Vermont to support Sanders’ campaign for the US Senate, and Mr. Obama’s 2016 convention speech when he encouraged Sanders supporters to get behind Hillary Clinton for president.
Yes, with the release of this misleading Sanders ad, Bernie has suddenly wrapped himself in the popularity of Barack Obama in the hopes of garnering personal gain. However, Barack Obama has endorsed no one — not even Joe Biden, his own vice-president.
So, what’s really going on here?

Bernie Sanders and his supporters are making it known that they believe the Democratic National Committee “stacked the deck” against them by ordering Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and the others to drop out and announce their support for Biden.
Author and former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson called the unexpected Biden support a “coup” by establishment Democrats to stop Bernie. Others called the endorsements “unfair” and outright “cheating” to help Biden, somehow completely ignoring democracy at work and that this is what voting and politics are all about.
Apparently, the Sanders camp convinced themselves that their misleading Sanders ad — with its perceived endorsement from Barack Obama — would fly under the radar and that no one would recognize Mr. Obama never offered any endorsement whatsoever.
Too bad for Bernie, his plan just didn’t work as expected and now everyone knows his ad is a fake, a fraud, and a phony.
Too bad for Bernie, his plan just didn’t work as expected and now everyone knows his ad is a fake, a fraud, and a phony. […]- DJ
Yep. Just like the man himself – a cynical hypocrite, “a fake, a fraud and a phony.” I was hoping you’d jump on this DJ and once again you did not disappoint. When I first saw the ad yesterday my immediate reaction was Wait. What!?!
This smug leader of a non-existent “revolution” or “movement” (he goes back and forth in his description) -a man who actually considered waging a primary challenge against Pres. Obama (the first Afri-Amer. President in U.S. history) in 2012; who literally referred to Pres. Obama as a charismatic failure – this joker has the audacity to throw this fake ad together in hopes of bamboozling enough Dem voters (especially Black voters) into supporting his smug, hypocritical azz over Joe Biden for the nomination!?!
And to do so as if WE wouldn’t recognize what he’s up to!?!
Um yeah. It’s called Desperation.
Preach Truth!
So Bernie is who he is. And angry old white man -a leftist socialist- who’s been in DC for nearly 30 ys and got pretty much nothing (in terms of major legislation) to show for it. But he’s somehow going to achieve all manner of far-left objectives (including doing away with Capitalism) if elected president. Yeah…..NO.
The truth is, Bernie has yet to present a real plan detailing how he’ll pay for even one of his “visionary” ideas other than to proclaim that he’s going to “tax the rich.” That’s about it. And apparently NOT EVEN his young supporters (of which seems to have decreased in numbers these days) are buying that Bernie can deliver on his promises. Their lack of actual voting participation this year is evident of that.
But Bernie and his surrogates will keep right on blaming his failure to expand his electorate on “the establishment” or “a coup.” Apparently that’s easier for them to do than to face the truth….about Bernie.
This is sad. Did he really just make up a endorsement from Obama because he could not get the real thing? The man he darn near despised and wanted somebody to run against is all of a sudden what he needs to save his campaign? This guy is a joke and I cannot wait to see him drop out next.
Breaking: Elizabeth Warren, Once a Front-Runner, Will Drop Out of Presidential Race
BOSTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts told her staff she was dropping out of the presidential race on Thursday, ending a run defined by an avalanche of policy plans that aimed to pull the Democratic Party to the left and appealed to enough voters to make her briefly a front-runner last fall.
”I know that when we set out, this was not the call you ever wanted to hear,” Ms. Warren said on the call. “It is not the call I ever wanted to make.” – MSN
Boston Globe:
As Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke Thursday morning about her decision to suspend her campaign, she was asked if she was going to endorse either former vice president Joe Biden or Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
“Not today,” she said, speaking to the media outside her home in Cambridge. “I need some space around this. I want to take a little time to think a little more.”
When another reporter followed up, asking what advice she would give supporters who were looking at other candidates, she replied: “Let’s take a deep breath and think about this for a little bit longer before we all settle in.”
“We find ourselves barreling toward another primary along the same lanes as 2016: one for an insider, one for an outsider,” Warren said, casting herself as someone who could bridge that divide: “Voters deserve a choice of someone who can both do the work to transform our government from the inside and who can bring pressure to bear on government by leading a grass-roots movement from the outside,” she said.