As if things weren’t bad enough already for those 10 American Missionaries accused of attempting to kidnap children in Haiti, it all went from bad to worse over the weekend.
On Saturday night, an NBC reporter and producer were given direct access to the jail holding the Missionaries, and were allowed to speak to them (without cameras present) through the bars of the cell. But at one point during the 10 minute conversation, a member of the group slipped a rather revealing note to the NBC producer. Scribbled on a piece of scrap paper, the note said: “We fear for our lives here in Haiti. There is corruption and extortion.” But then the note went on to say: “Laura wants to control. We believe lying. We’re afraid.” The “Laura” the note was referring to is Laura Silsby, the self-appointed spokesperson for the jailed Americans, who organized the trip to Haiti and initially told government officials she had the permission and documents to adopt and transport 33 Haitian children following the massive earthquake.
The scribbled note then went on to say: “Please, you must listen. We have no way to call. Courts will not let us have a say with anything about truth for us. We only came as volunteers. We had nothing to do with any documents and have been lied to.”
A Haitian attorney hired to represent the 10 Americans said he believes nine of the Missionaries had no idea what was going on, and that the adoption documents never existed. Interestingly, the note had 8 of the 10 Missionaries’ signatures attached to it, with the names of Laura Silsby and her close aide, Charisa Coulter conspicuously missing.
I said it before and i'll say it again: The more I hear about Silsby, the more she comes across as a Headcase_perhaps even moreso than a criminal(?)I'm not suprised that the people who blindly followed her there_and now find themselves in a world of trouble_are trying to get their story told and break free of her.But I still haven't heard WHO funded the groups trip to Haiti in the first place? Was it her church?
Wow this story is getting stranger by the day. And yes Truthis, her chruch paid for everything up front. I knew something was funny the first day this story broke. The Silsby lady has ruined the oters lives and now they are turning on her. Then this morning I heard on CNN their lawyer quit. Your right DJ, things are going bad to worse.
"And yes Truthis, her chruch paid for everything up front.'Thanks BD!Okay so…Silsby's church funded her trip WITHOUT fully investigating the credibility OR legality of her plan?! You can NOT make this stuff up_smh.