Current Events

Mississippi ICE Raid Strands Undocumented Children

- 680 arrested; hundreds more children separated from families.

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A Mississippi ICE raid — the largest state raid in US history — is being lambasted on social media and from coast to coast for the inhumane and soulless side effect it brought upon innocent little children.

Current Events
Fresh off of proving how just much heart he DOESN’T have following his failed photo-op appearances in Dayton and El Paso, Donald Trump ordered the Mississippi ICE raid late last week to sniff out “illegals” working in 7 Mississippi food processing plants.  The raid was hailed as a success after netting ‘The Donald’ 680 undocumented immigrants, who were all taken from their jobs to an undisclosed detention center.  And then, the real fun began.

Mississippi ICE Raid

Because the Mississippi ICE raid occurred on the first day of school, hundreds of small children across the state were simply left homeless, parentless, and stranded.  Some children waited outside their schools for parents who never came to pick them up.  Others made it home safely only to find their residences empty and parents missing in action.  Almost all of the children had nowhere to go and were left to sit on the sidewalk and cry, unclear of what to do next or where to turn.

As Donald Trump laughed and gloated at the success of his hunt for those damned “illegals,” strangers in Forest, Mississippi, stepped up to the plate and volunteered to take in those children who had nowhere to go. Local residents found kindness in their hearts to hand out food and drinks to the children, but, the youngsters were so understandably distraught and confused, they chose to sob instead of eat.

“I need my dad … he’s not a criminal,” one little girl cried outside a gym that was hastily turned into a makeshift shelter for the night.

Mississippi ICE Raid

Fortunately, some Mississippians were more compassionate than the Grinch Who Separated Families sitting inside the Oval Office.

“I understand the law and how everything works and how everything has a system. But everyone needs to hold the kids first and foremost in their minds,” gym owner Jordan Barnes said. “And that’s what we’ve tried to do here, just give them a place to stay.”

He was not alone in his thoughts.

“Our brothers and sisters, our fellow citizens — 6 years old, 5 years old, 7 years old, 11 years old — they left to go to school yesterday, excited about education, and terror hit them while they were gone,” said the Rev. James Evans, a co-founder of the Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance.

Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba of Jackson called the raids “a gross display of humanity to me as a parent.”

“As a father of two young girls, to imagine children arriving after their first day of school to a condition where their parents are gone from their lives, I think that we truly have to question where the soul of our nation is at this point and time,” he added.

Mississippi ICE Raid

So, exactly what purpose did the mid-day Mississippi ICE raid serve?  Aside from traumatizing innocent children who had no choice but to follow their parents into the US, the raid confronted one problem but created 10 more.

However, there is one issue that Donald Trump and his ICE raiders failed to address:  If it was the right thing to do to arrest and detain the undocumented immigrants for working illegally in the US, then why were the employers who hired all 680 of them allowed to remain free??


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
The inhumane and poorly conceived Mississippi ICE raid.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. (Sigh!) I watched these poor children as the news broke and my heart sank. In an instant their young and innocent world turned into a living nightmare. Many, if not most of them will indeed suffer some degree of irreparable trauma the rest of their lives.

    The fact that their parents -NON-violent hard-working people – toiling away in food-processing plants where no doubt they worked long hours for very low pay -were dragged off in handcuffs while the EMPLOYERS/the OWNERS of those plants went UNtouched!?! It’s BEYOND reprehensible. It’s Evil. Pure. Evil.

    America will be a long time -DECADES -in getting the stench and stain of this grotesque behaving creature (and administration) off of Us. History must NEVER let us forget it.

  2. So I’ve got to talk about Trump voters, especially (mostly white) so-called “Christians” who even now continue to support such a despicable creature.

    They seem to have No shame. The cognitive dissonance among such folk is as clear as can be. They know who and what Trump is but their NEED to retain white dominance over all “Others” is paramount to their very own existence. So the Christian faith they claim to espouse? and the country they claim to love? Such claims seem mighty disingenuous at best.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say ti again. Trump voters know he’s lying about delivering America back to them but they NEED to believe his BS because they’ve got nothing else to hang onto. They hate what they fear. One political reporter describes it as “an authoritarian fear of difference.”

    And what they FEAR the most right now is The Future. Scapegoating all “Others” for their own individual Failures in life is much easier for them than accepting the truth.

    Like Trump, they simply cannot handle the Truth …..and Facts are meaningless.

    1. Truth you hit it out the park here. You know as well as me white folks have been using being Christian to do all types of things and say it is in the name of God. They lynched black folk back in the day because they claim God wanted it. Been doing this for years. Being white and in power is what is important to them than anything that is really Christian. They make up their own rules to back up the wrong they do. This whole Trump movement is all about white power and keeping control. I am real glad you spoke on this.

  3. LA Times:
    Trump administration rules that could deny green cards to immigrants who use Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance are going into effect, potentially making it more difficult for some to get legal status in the United States.
    Federal law already requires those seeking green cards and legal status to prove they will not be a burden to the U.S., or what’s called a “public charge,” but the new rules, made public Monday, detail a broader range of programs that could disqualify them.

    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officers will now weigh public assistance along with other factors such as education, household income and health to determine whether to grant legal status.

    Much of President Trump’s effort to crack down on illegal immigration has been in the spotlight, but the rule change is one of the most aggressive efforts to restrict legal immigration. It’s part of a push to move the U.S. to a system that focuses on immigrants’ skills instead of emphasizing the reunification of families, as it has done.

  4. This whole mess was just cruel. Those kids did nothing wrong but to come home and find nobody there, that had to traumatic. There has to be a better way than this Also it has to be costing the government more doing it this way too. I never want to turn on the tv and see any kids forced to hurt like this ever again and Trump laughing about it. That is not funny at all it is cruel.

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