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In the closest race in Iowa Caucus history, Mitt Romney was declared the official winner by a margin of only 8 votes over his closest rival — Rick Santorum!

Iowa’s GOP chairman called the race just after 2:30am this morning, with a final tally of 30,015 for Mitt Romney and 30,007 for Rick Santorum, in a contest that went back and forth all evening with multiple lead changes.  But eventually, Romney was declared the winner, while Ron Paul came in 3rd place, Newt Gingrich in 4th, Rick Perry in 5th, Michele Bachmann in 6th and Jon Huntsman in last place.

However, the all important delegate count is much closer. 25 delegates were at stake in last night’s caucus, which was not a “winner-take-all” contest.  CNN estimates that Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul will each end up with 7 delegates, while Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry will collect 2 a piece.  So for Romney, Santorum and Paul, the Iowa Caucus was a virtual tie.

Rick Santorum

Although the Romney campaign gave a positive spin to their narrow win in this first election of the political season, privately their inner circle has reason for genuine concern.  Rick Santorum has consistently been among the bottom 2-3 candidates throughout the entire race.  So his surprise surge in the 11th hour with no local campaign ads, very little campaign cash and a skeleton crew of a staff, while coming within single digits of nearly winning Iowa should put a great amount of fear into Mitt Romney and his chances going forward.

The Iowa Caucus is not usually a strong indicator of who will eventually get the nomination, since Iowans selected Mike Huckabee 4 years ago.  But the strong message from Iowa this time around is that although Mitt Romney may end up as the Republican nominee, it likely won’t be smooth sailing to the GOP convention.  With 70% of Iowans wanting anybody but Mitt, his race for the presidency will almost assuredly be an extreme and extended uphill climb.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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"Although the Romney campaign gave a positive spin to their narrow win in this first election of the political season, privately their inner circle has reason for genuine concern."You got that right DJ…and for all the reasons you've pointed out. Mitt Romney, the supposed "front-runner"….a man who has been running for President at least 6 years, has TONS of cash at his disposal (spent $10 million in Iowa 4 yrs ago AND LOST and about $6 million this time AND NEARLY LOST AGAIN) has a strong political orgainzation and the backing of the GOP *establishment to boot ended up *winning* the Caucus last night by just EIGHT votes…against a BACK-of-the-pack competitor who spent just over $100,000 TOTAL (because that's about all he had) ….and Mitt is supposed to be the GOP's best hope for defeating Pres. Obama!?! Yeah. Okay (rolling my eyes).   "With 70% of Iowans wanting anybody but Mitt, his race for the presidency will almost assuredly be an extreme… Read more »


Other notable things I took away from last night's Repub results….It seems…after 3 yrs of ALL the fire-breathing proclamations spewing forth from the mouths of Repub leaders, in general, and extreme right-wing voters in particular_that "We're going to make Obama a one-term President and take back our country"…the ACTUAL numbers show that turnout among Iowa Repub voters last night was not much larger than turnout 4 yrs ago. AND in several precincts, Romney UNDERperformed compared to 4 yrs ago.Suffice it to say: I'll be paying very close attention to the percentage of Repub voters that ACTUALLY show up for these Caucuses and primaries this year and comparing those numbers to the percentage of repub voters that showed up 4 yrs ago. Btw: The right-wing blogosphere is interesting thes days. They know things AIN'T looking good for them despite the spin. They know they CAN'T trust the GOP *establishment* OR Faux News. They know their candidates are weak. Also a bit of reality check for Ron Paul and his core supporters…..Unless Paul has… Read more »

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