Comments on: MITT BY 8! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 04 Jan 2012 14:17:38 +0000 Other notable things I took away from last night's Repub results….It seems…after 3 yrs of ALL the fire-breathing proclamations spewing forth from the mouths of Repub leaders, in general, and extreme right-wing voters in particular_that "We're going to make Obama a one-term President and take back our country"…the ACTUAL numbers show that turnout among Iowa Repub voters last night was not much larger than turnout 4 yrs ago. AND in several precincts, Romney UNDERperformed compared to 4 yrs ago.Suffice it to say: I'll be paying very close attention to the percentage of Repub voters that ACTUALLY show up for these Caucuses and primaries this year and comparing those numbers to the percentage of repub voters that showed up 4 yrs ago. Btw: The right-wing blogosphere is interesting thes days. They know things AIN'T looking good for them despite the spin. They know they CAN'T trust the GOP *establishment* OR Faux News. They know their candidates are weak. Also a bit of reality check for Ron Paul and his core supporters…..Unless Paul has a break-out performance in N.H. or S.C. or Florida, Iowa was his highwater mark and he came in THIRD. All the bullying tactics_all of the bombarding of blogsites and jamming call-in shows WON'T change that fact.

By: Truthiz Wed, 04 Jan 2012 13:37:24 +0000 "Although the Romney campaign gave a positive spin to their narrow win in this first election of the political season, privately their inner circle has reason for genuine concern."You got that right DJ…and for all the reasons you've pointed out. Mitt Romney, the supposed "front-runner"….a man who has been running for President at least 6 years, has TONS of cash at his disposal (spent $10 million in Iowa 4 yrs ago AND LOST and about $6 million this time AND NEARLY LOST AGAIN) has a strong political orgainzation and the backing of the GOP *establishment to boot ended up *winning* the Caucus last night by just EIGHT votes…against a BACK-of-the-pack competitor who spent just over $100,000 TOTAL (because that's about all he had) ….and Mitt is supposed to be the GOP's best hope for defeating Pres. Obama!?! Yeah. Okay (rolling my eyes).   "With 70% of Iowans wanting anybody but Mitt, his race for the presidency will almost assuredly be an extreme and extended uphill climb."Right again DJ.This morning I listened to an interview on CNN with a reporter in Columbia, S.C. and she confirmed that Romney is facing the same 'ANYBODY BUT ROMNEY" problem in her state. To paraphrase her words: "There's very strong support for a viable ANTI-Romney candidate down here. Romney can't seem to get above the 25% ceiling. After the results in Iowa last night folks are giving Santorum a real 2nd look."Sidenote: Yesterday I mentioned that a severely wounded Newt is much more dangerous to Romney now and listening to Newt's speech last night…it's pretty clear. He wants revenge.Despite the barrage of negative ads against Newt (courtesy of Romney's SuperPac) Newt still came in in 4th place _ahead of Perry, Bachmann and Huntsman. Newt knows his chances of winning the GOP nomination are slim-to-none. But he really doesn't care about that anymore. He's staying in this race primarily for ONE reason_to take down Mitt Romney.
