MITT: ‘Obama Only Won With Gifts’
Yesterday, Mitt Romney told the media the only reason he lost the election is because Barack Obama gave minorities and young voters “gifts.” Yes, you read that correctly — he actually said the president followed the “old playbook” of using targeted initiatives to bribe specific interest groups, “especially the African-American community, the Hispanic community and young people.” Hmmm…
Romney’s post-election blame shifting and licking of wounds joins a myriad of other make-believe excuses from the GOP, including “Hurricane Sandy stopped Mitt’s momentum,” or “Chris Christie hugging Obama was a deal breaker,” or my personal favorite: “Obama suppressed the vote” through his sophisticated and smart use of census and poll data.
We’ve all grown tired of hearing the excuses, especially when the finger is always pointed at someone or something else and never at the source. We’ve all taken to Facebook and Twitter and voiced our pity at just how much in denial Romney and the Republicans have shown themselves to be, particularly for being the ONLY ones on election night to believe Romney would win in a landslide and Nate Silver and ALL the others were emphatically wrong! Well, we all know how that turned out.
Then yesterday, I stumbled across the PERFECT response to Romney and his whining cronies, with words that summed up what most of us have all been thinking and feeling but could never verbalize with the proper precision. I found an open letter on the Internet to Romney from Sarah Zacharias of thebuckingjenny that is such a “must read” I simply had to post it here for all to enjoy:
Dear Mitt and Paul,
I wanted to clear something up for you.
I have seen the debate about what went wrong, and why you lost this election. As a voter I want you to know that my voting against you had nothing to do with the fact that you are both rotten people.
It was not because of your crazy religions.
It had nothing to do with Eastwood’s empty chair, or the hurricane, or the liberal media telling me bad things about Bain.
I did not vote against you because I am a minority.
I did not vote against you because I live in an urban area.
I did not vote against you because of the cheese wiz in your veins or the elevators for your cars.
I did not vote against you because you are bullies and bigots.
I did not vote against you because you are rich hypocrites.It was not because of Chris Christie, or Colin Powell, or Bill Clinton, or Anne Coulter, or Chris Mathews or Rachel Maddow or Meygn Kelly or Jon Stewart or Brian Williams, or anybody on tv.
I didn’t vote against you for any of those reasons because, I didn’t vote against anybody.
I voted for someone.I voted for a man who brought my childhood friends home from war that they could kiss their wives and tuck their kids in at night.
I voted for a guy who loves New Jersey more than he dislikes Chris Christie.
I voted for the guy who looked in the mirrors of his daughter’s eyes, questioned himself, and changed his mind about marriage equality.
I voted for the guy who called Sandra Fluke and told her that her parents should be proud.
I voted for the guy who honors the women in his life by ensuring them trust to make their own reproductive and health choices and opportunity to work through glass ceilings with equal pay.
I voted for the guy who signed the stimulus that paid for the hearing aids that allowed me to hear my children clearly.
I voted for the guy who gave my sister the ability to buy health insurance in spite of pre existing conditions.
I voted for the guy who picked Joe Biden for a VP. Joe’s love for his country, his willingness to give of himself, his smarts and experience are top notch.
I voted for the guy who was smart enough to put a ring on Michelle Obama’s finger.Most importantly, I voted for the guy who will continue to place America and what is right for her first.
I trust him.
When he hears a lone voice in a crowd of plenty shout, “I love you!” He shouts, “I love you back!”See Mitt, Paul, it’s not you… It’s him.
I did not vote against you.
I voted for Barack Obama.
I voted for Joe Biden.
I voted for Michelle and Sasha and Malia.
I voted in favor of my self and my spouse and our sons and our future.
I voted in favor of the best tomorrow for America available.You can blame polls, and weather events, and skewed electoral votes and biased media and urban minorities who supposedly want free stuff till you actually turn into the slow moving regressive elephants who represent you if you wish but no manipulating the facts.
You lost not because you are losers but because Barack is a winner.
Sarah Zacharias
The Bucking Jenny
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