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He was trotted out into the public eye by then VP candidate Sarah Palin, after impregnating her 17 year old daughter, Bristol.  He broke-up with Bristol a year later in just as much public fashion as his initial introduction.  He made the rounds on daytime TV talk shows, telling Palin family “secrets” and dragging Sarah and her clan through the mud.  He posed semi-nude for Playgirl Magazine and attempted an acting/modeling career.  So what’s left for Alaskan bad boy Levi Johnston?  He’s getting married!

Yep, in case you haven’t heard, Levi Johnston and his former love/mother of his child Bristol Palin are engaged and getting married. The gallant Johnston reportedly sent Bristol a text message a few months back, saying “I miss u. I luv u. I wanna be with u again” and apparently the two have been secretly reunited and inseparable ever since. Now, Levi is borrowing a popular quote from Beyonce, saying HE LIKES IT…SO HE PUT A RING ON IT!

Levi recently proposed marriage to Bristol and she eagerly accepted. The lovebirds kept their relationship and engagement a secret from everyone — until they made a public announcement in US MAGAZINE, which understandably caught both the Palin’s and the Johnston’s completely by surprise.  With all the negative remarks Levi has made about Sarah Palin and her family, it’s a wonder he’s even allowed within a mile of their compound.  But, Levi has reportedly apologized profusely to both Sarah and Todd Palin, and realized his love for Bristol was still fresh when they were working out joint custody details for their 18-month old son, Tripp.

Bristol Palin has been on an extensive campaign across America, urging teens to abstain from having sex until marriage.  But the horny love-struck Levi Johnston is trying to secure a marriage ceremony ASAP, hoping the two can tie the knot within the next 6 weeks.  Good luck you crazy kids!




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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