Current Events


Spread The Love

Filmmaker and activist Michael Moore has joined forces with protesters in the Wisconsin statehouse standoff.

After being asked to leave the capitol building for cleaning, thousands gathered once again in Madison, Wisconsin in protest of Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s Budget Repair Bill.  Now in its third straight week, unions and Democrats are still demanding that their collective bargaining rights not be stripped away by legislation.

But on Saturday, they received unexpected support from liberal filmmaker and activist Michael Moore. Moore originally intended to write a blog about the Wisconsin protests. But at the last minute, he decided to get on a plane and just speak to the protesters in person.

Moore delivered a fiery speech, which refuted conservative claims that the country is “broke” and sacrifices need to be made by the whole country. “The country is awash in wealth and cash,” Moore stated. “It’s just not in your hands. It has been transferred in the greatest heist in history from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the ubber-rich.” Moore then mocked Republicans by saying, “Wisconsin is broke. There are weapons of mass destruction (in Iraq).  And the Packers need (Brett) Favre to win the Super Bowl.”

Moore concluded his speech by praising protesters for arousing the “sleeping giant” of working people. “Right now, the earth is shaking and the ground is shifting under the feet of those who are in charge.  Your message has inspired people in all 50 states.  We have had it.”



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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