Comments on: MORE TROUBLE FOR BISHOP EDDIE LONG News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 28 Sep 2010 00:01:12 +0000 Frisco:"<span>What I don't get is why so many gay black men remain in the closet?"</span><span></span><span></span><span>You've asked a MILLION $$$ question Frisco…and even though I'm a Black-American female I'm going to try to answer your question. Hopefully a Balck male readers (or readers) will chime in too.</span><span></span> <span></span><span>Okay. I'd love to say that the primary reason that gay black men remain in the closet is due to the toxic HOMOPHBIC culture prevalnet in Black America. But IMO, HOMOPHOBIA is the secondary reason. </span><span></span><span>Historically, <span><span>Black-Americans are Masters of Nothing if not Masters of DENIAL and SHAME when it comes to “taboo” subjects such as: Homosexuality, Bisexuality, HIV/AIDS, Pedophilia, Incest, Mental Illness and Sickle Cell Disease. </span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span>S<span><span>imply put: We DON’T talk about “those” issues, therefore "those" issues AREN'T really issues despite the fact that there’s more than ample evidence indicating that Our collective failure to Openly and Honestly address "those" issues is KILLING us! </span></span></span><span><span></span></span><span><span></span><span><span>BTW: Kudos to CNN anchor Don Lemon who recently admitted on CNN (while talking to young people who attend Bishop Long’s church) that he was in fact a victim of Pedophilia when he was kid. Don pointed out that most African-Americans DON’T want to admit these things…especially African American men. <span> </span>It took a lot of courage for Don to disclose such personal and Painful information and I applaud him!</span></span></span>

By: Frisco415 Mon, 27 Sep 2010 21:58:54 +0000 What I don't get is why so many gay black men remain in the closet? Because if this preacher wasn't in the closet maybe he could date on his own level instead of going after young males at his church. I came out to my parents as a teenager. Best choice I ever made in my life. But this guy seems real troubled. Plus he preaches real strongly against homosexuality all the while secretly doing it himself. What a hypocrite.

By: Truthiz Mon, 27 Sep 2010 18:49:24 +0000 <span>"If what you said is true, why would these 4 boys want to get together and ruin Bishop Long? What's their motivation?"</span><span></span><span>Exactly BD!</span><span></span><span>In fact, only two of the boys actually know each, having found out about each other accidently which prompted one (or both of them) to break-into Long's office in retaliation for having been played by the Bishop.</span><span></span><span>My main point being: A</span><span>ll 4 boys have told almost identical stories about the Bishop's behavior. So um…how, pray tell, could THAT have happened? Perhaps a "telepathic" meeting of the minds???</span><span></span><span>Call me picky…but I'm thinking…Naaah. That wasn't it.</span>

By: Truthiz Mon, 27 Sep 2010 18:35:27 +0000 "Let me be very clear. I DID NOT DO THIS!" "Unfortunately, on advise of counsel, I am NOT at liberty to discuss the allegations further. But let me be very clear AGAIN. I DID NOT COMMIT THE REPRHENSIBLE ACTS I"V BEEN FALSELY ACCUSED OF and I look forward to MY day in Court to prove it!" "In the meantime. PLEASE pray for ME and my family!" How hard would it have been for Long to say that???! How would THAT have "hurt" his case???Instead: He chose to CAREFULLY state: "I am NOT a perfect man. But I am NOT the kind of man now being portrayed in the media.' "I'm gon fight."Now. THAT kind of deliberate vagueness AND "play" on words is no doubt enough for many_if not most_of Long's supporters to vindicate him in THEIR eyes. And that's NOT just sad. It's deeply disturbing!Here's what I'm gonna do: I'm gonna say a prayer for Everyone involved in this mess., especially the alleged victims because it's clear they're NOT just going up against Bishop Long. Those young men are going up against a Money-Making EMPIRE of LOTS of people who DON'T CARE if Long is Guilty. They will defend him no matter what evidence is presented!

By: DJ Mon, 27 Sep 2010 17:32:51 +0000 SAW THIS POST ON AN ALTERNATE SITE AND WANTED TO SHARE:  4 to 30 young boys is all the proof we need!Besides, Eddie never said he was innocent!If 4 different women accused a man of rape, would you trust his innocence until proven guilty? Would you care to be left alone with such an *innocent until proven guilty* individual? Hell NO!
