He’s become America’s biggest loudmouth, a political whipping-boy, and the laughing stock of the GOP. And if you guessed that Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele might be at it again, you’d win the million dollar prize!
Somewhere along the line Michael Steele falsely convinced himself that he was actually the best choice to lead the Republican party, while failing to realize that the GOP only needed a figure-head black man to shield going up against the first black president. So, Michael Steele has gone on to do and/or say one idiotic thing after another, as conservatives from sea to shining sea are (once again) being embarrassed by and losing patience with their fearless leader. In his latest flap, Steele is being called on the mat for recent inaccurate remarks he made blaming President Obama for the war in Afghanistan and how the effort is doomed because land wars often tend to go badly for foreign occupiers.
“This was a war of Obama’s choosing,” Steele was recently caught on camera telling a group of Republican party donors. “This is not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in.” Somehow his selective memory conveniently allowed him to forget that the Afghan war began as the brainchild of former President George W. Bush and a Republican led White House and Congress. Hmmm…
But here’s the clincher — instead of realizing he had inserted his foot in his own mouth and backing away from his comments, Steele doubled down on his point with the same thought process: “During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama made clear his belief that we should not fight in Iraq, but instead concentrate on Afghanistan” Steele said. “Now, as president, he has indeed shifted his focus to this region. That means this is his strategy.”
Republican leaders, many of whom support the war in Afghanistan, are furious with Steele and his odd line of reasoning, and have taken to the airwaves to vent frustration and attempt to clean up his mess. On CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina called the conflict in Afghanistan “America’s war,” and labeled Steele’s statement “uninformed, unnecessary, unwise.” Sen. Jim DeMint, also of South Carolina, said on Fox News that Steele “needs to apologize to our military, all the men and women who’ve been fighting in Afghanistan.” And on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. John McCain called Steele’s remarks “wildly inaccurate” saying “there’s no excuse for them.” McCain also added that Steele should “assess as to whether he can still lead the Republican Party as chairman of the Republican National Committee.”
But other prominent Republicans, including Liz Cheney and William Kristol have had enough of the Michael Steele circus act and are now calling for his resignation.
I want to see Michael Steele go away permanently. He has been an embarrassment for the Republicans and he is not getting any better. We have much greater options than him.
Notwithstanding Steele’s selective amnesia about the Afghan war (which was indeed absurd and patently dishonest) I actually AGREE with his OTHER comment:“During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama made clear his belief that we should not fight in Iraq, but instead concentrate on Afghanistan" Steele said. "Now, as president, he has indeed shifted his focus to this region. That means this is his strategy." But let's face it. Steele was NOT voted into his position of RNC Chair based on his intellectual heft and skills. The truth is, a lot of what comes out of his mouth doesn’t surprise me at all. I mean_the man has never seemed like much more than a “token” idiot to me. He was cynically promoted to (1) put a “charismatic” Black face on the GOP _and (2)“neutralize” the Dems “charismatic” Black face who happens to be this nation’s first BLACK President. It’s the same foul tactic the Repubs used in their selection of Palin for V.P. candidate. By virtue of her “vagina” Palin was supposed to neutralize “the female vote” or at least significantly blunt the percentage of women leaning towards voting Democratic. In both cases, the tactic failed_miserably! But I digressed. The Repubs got just what they paid for in Steele, as I stated at the top__a token idiot_smh.
This guy is and always has been a clown. I never liked the whole hip-hop angle he was going with. As if he could turn the Republicans into a rap group. He's so stupid he should have been gone.
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