Comments on: NY APPROVES MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 04 Aug 2010 19:31:03 +0000 My apology to any Muslim site-visitors who may read my posts!I now know that the word is "Imam." NOT "Emam." I should have checked the correct spelling BEFORE posting it.

By: Truthiz Wed, 04 Aug 2010 18:51:40 +0000 Apparently the ADL has Changed its position on this issue and NOW supports it.US News: ADL 'Won't Fight' Park51 Community CenterWed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:18:45 am PDTThe Anti-Defamation League’s Abe Foxman now says the ADL won’t fight the Park51 project.The Anti-Defamation League will not fight the building of a controversial Islamic center and mosque planned near the site of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York, the group’s leader told CNN Wednesday.The Jewish organization sparked debate last week by opposing what’s come to be known as the “ground zero mosque” on the grounds that the controversy over it was “counterproductive to the healing process.”But following a ruling Tuesday that clears the way for the mosque to be built, “we’re not continuing to fight it. We raised an issue_but once the community board ruled, we move on,” Abraham Foxman told CNN’s “American Morning.” […]Read: Jewish group won't fight ground zero mosque, leader says the sensitive nature of this issue, NON-violent Muslim Americans should be extended the SAME rights and Freedoms enjoyed by NON-violent Christians and NON-violent Jewish Americans!

By: BD Wed, 04 Aug 2010 17:27:03 +0000 Ok all good points. But I'm officially confused now.Part of me thinks this is AMERICA and our fellow citizens should be able to build onto their property if they want. It shouldn't matter they;re muslim.But another part of me thinks this whole thing is so emotional, that center won't have a moments peace and the building is doing more dividing than uniting.So it comes down to if the muslim group should go build somewhere else and save everybodys emotions and anger? Or should they follow their right as Americans and build in their best interest? Can'd decide

By: Truthiz Wed, 04 Aug 2010 14:11:34 +0000 @Anon- I'd like to address your points: #1: “The Emam who wants to build the Cordoba House refuses to say where he came up with the funds to build it. And you say he has no connections to terrorism."As a regular poster here, I've said that “BY ALL ACCOUNTS” (meaning people “in the know”) Cordoba House has “no connection” to terrorism. And quite frankly unless opponents can provide FACTUAL proof showing otherwise, then there is “No” connection. Also: You implied that the Emam’s "refusal" to say where he got the project funds points to a “terrorist” connection. No it doesn’t. And opponents wouldn’t dare hold any Christian OR Jewish group to that same standard of “proof.” The Emam could be withholding the names of his donors for a number of reasons and I’m confident that Mayor Bloomberg is NOT going let himself be PLAYED by the Emam or anyone else for that matter! #2: “Generally, regardless of religious or cultural association, any time there has been mass death in an area, that area is considered to be sacred. You cannot build ANYTHING on it”SAYS WHO?! THIS is America!!!Is there a “sensitivity” awareness related to such projects when considering a proposed location? Yes. But unless it’s against THE LAW to build a structure at a given spot, People/Organizations CAN_and DO_build projects wherever they please as long as it’s on private property and meets local zoning requirements.And let’s be honest. If this project had been proposed by a Christian OR Jewish group there would be NO issue! #3: “You are saying people are racist.” Who called who a “racist”..??? I have said, and will continue to say, that “Opponents” arguments are rooted in xenophobic-driven, American double-standards, and Judea-Christian “exceptionalism. Simply put: It looks and SOUNDS a lot like BIGOTRY to me. BTW: When “Christians” step up and “openly and without hesitation denounce the extremists who murder, rape, and conquer innocent people”…like for example, the atrociously Inhumane actions sanctioned by a U.S. CHRISTIAN President and SUFFERED by the innocent people of IRAQ_then I’ll know that American “Christians” aren’t once again just simply being hypocritical zealots. #4: “The Emam in question also does not consider Hezbolah to be a terrorist organization when they have been bombing people and places for years and are considered by the ENTIRE western world to be terrorists.”And so that means what? That proves what?After 8 years of G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the ENTIRE western world considered the U.S. to be practically no better than the “terrorists” we’re fighting….so your point is??? #5: “The reasons above give the American people zero reason to trust this group.”No doubt, your “reasons” will appeal to SOME Americans.For OTHER Americans_like Me_who are troubled by the conflating of radical Islam with the entire faith of Islam? Not really.

By: Anonymous Wed, 04 Aug 2010 02:29:57 +0000 Ok people. Here are the facts.1. The Emam who wants to build the Cordoba House refuses to say where he came up with the funds to build it. And you say he has no connections to terrorism. If he didn't, then why wouldn't he disclose that kind of information? People are well within their right to ask when 3,000 people died because of well funded muslim extremists. 2. Generally, regardless of religious or cultural association, any time there has been mass death in an area, that area is considered to be sacred. You cannot build ANYTHING on it. Consider the nunnery that was going to be built at Auschwitz. The Pope canceled its construction because the jewish people there wanted to keep that ground sacred even though the nunnery would have been there for community service. The ground around the Twin Towers is sacred, and nothing should be built there, especially something of religious association. 3. You are saying people are racist. Last I checked, Islam is not a race. It is a religion. I would say that it may be understandable for people to have negative feelings toward any religion that will not openly and without hesitation denounce the extremists who murder, rape, and conquer innocent people, even though they are considered "moderates" and don't participate in that behavior themselves. 4. The Emam in question also does not consider Hezbolah to be a terrorist organization when they have been bombing people and places for years and are considered by the ENTIRE western world to be terrorists. 5. The reasons above give the American people zero reason to trust this group. If they allowed their funding to be investigated, openly and publicly denounced Hamas, Hezbolah, and other known terrorist groups around the world, and gave the same respect to American hallowed ground that they demand from the rest of the world over their holy places (consider the fact that they have started wars over what they consider to be holy ground i.e. Jerusalem), then maybe, maybe this could be more easily excused. But all the same, sacred ground is sacred ground. Building on sacred ground of any kind is always insensitive and never builds bridges of healing. Mutual respect, however, does.
