Comments on: MR. OBAMA GOES TO CONGRESS News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:59:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 09 Sep 2009 22:45:05 +0000 Ooops….that should read:And as more often than not, Pres. Obama has been slooow to recognize that the time for rope-a-dope PLAYED OUT awhile back!

By: Truthiz Wed, 09 Sep 2009 22:42:27 +0000 For the past 2 years, I’ve watched Obama (studying his style, if you will). His approach to dealing with his Opponents seems to be a blending of Muhammad Ali’s “rope-a-dope”, Bill Clinton’s resilience and Obama’s own intellectual pragmatism and patience. IMO, the major flaw in his approach is this: Obama has difficulty with “TIMING"_knowing when to get off the ropes and take command of the situation by striking some punishingly EFFECTIVE blows (intellectually speaking) against his opponents whenever an opportunity presents itself. He tends to ride the ropes too long _allowing opponents to land too many “below-the-belt” body-blows on him BEFORE he comes to life and knocks the sh*t outta them (intellectually speaking).Reich-wingers, and their political and corporate masters, see him as just a “n*gger” who has defiled their “WHITE” House and they want him GONE yesterday!The health insurance industry has, to date, funded the so-called grass-roots opposition movement to the tune of at least $375 million dollars (and counting) against REAL healthcare reform. And as more than not, Pres. Obama has been slooow to recognize that the time for rope-a-dope PLAYED OUT awhile back! At his best, Ali instinctively knew when to get off the ropes and knock the sh*t out of the DOPE he was facing. Pres. "O" MUST learn to do the same IF he is to be successful in his Presidency.
