CHENEY: “Palin Pick a Mistake!”
Congratulations to Dick Cheney for stating the obvious — the selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate 4 years ago was a huge mistake!
In an interview yesterday on ABC’s “This Week,” the former vice president finally went public with his critique of the process that led to the selection of Palin.
“I think that was a mistake,” Cheney said, while Mitt Romney prepares to make his own selection.
Cheney added that as a first-term governor of Alaska, Palin failed even the most basic test of being on the vice presidential short list: “Is this person capable of being president of the United States?”
“I like Governor Palin. I’ve met her. I know her. Attractive candidate. But based on her background — she’d only been governor for, what, two years? I don’t think she passed that test of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake.”
Lol. Oh the irony…to say nothing of the nerve. Where does one begin?!Yes. Without question, Palin was a "mistake." But THIS coming from the *father* (if you will) of ALL VP muck-ups is beyond laughable. And he said it with a straight face too…lolUN…friggin…believable!
<span>HAH. Honestly, if these 2 clowns (father AND daughter) weren't so d*mn dangerous, they could go into comedy…smh. "Liz Cheney Disagrees With Father On Palin, Calls Her ‘More Qualified Than Obama And Biden’ " ABC News aired part of an exclusive interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney this morning, in which Cheney <span>admitted </span>that the choice of <span>Sarah Palin</span> for vice president in 2008 was a “mistake.” Liz Cheney took to Twitter to voice her disagreement with her father and her overwhelming support for Palin. </span><span><a href="http://www.mediaite.com/online/liz-cheney-disagrees-with-father-on-palin-calls-her-more-qualified-than-obama-and-biden/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mediaite%2FClHj+%28Mediaite%29" rel="nofollow"> <a href="http://;http://www.mediaite.com/online/liz-cheney-disagrees-with-father-on-palin-calls-her-more-qualified-than-obama-and-biden/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mediaite%2FClHj+%28Mediaite%29</span>” target=”_blank”>;http://www.mediaite.com/online/liz-cheney-disagrees-with-father-on-palin-calls-her-more-qualified-than-obama-and-biden/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mediaite%2FClHj+%28Mediaite%29</span>