Mueller Testimony: ‘Trump Was Not Exonerated!’
The highly anticipated Robert Mueller Testimony before 2 separate House Committees occurred on Wednesday. So, did it move the needle and the country toward or against Donald Trump?
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During the almost 8 hour Mueller testimony, the former special counsel cleared up several vague portions of his investigation and laid out some rather interesting facts. Let’s take an in-depth look at how, if at all, this changes things for Donald Trump.
First things first: if anyone was hoping or expecting Robert Mueller to appear before the committees and tell them pointedly that Donald Trump is a crook who should be impeached, they set themselves up for disappointment. Robert Mueller didn’t do that, nor was he supposed to. The Mueller Testimony was always meant to be a fact-finding mission and an opportunity for congressional leaders to build a case by questioning Mueller about various portions of his 400+ page report. There was never going to be a suspense-filled movie moment for an independent investigator like Mueller to stare into the camera and say, “He’s Guilty!” That was never Mueller’s job to do and he was well aware of it.
Let’s cut right to the chase. Despite Donald Trump’s claims to the contrary, what Robert Mueller did do was make it clear on Wednesday that Trump is not now and was NEVER exonerated, that the Russian attack on the 2016 election was NOT a hoax, and that the 2-year investigation into Trump and his campaign was NEVER a witch hunt.
Mueller also answered some very direct questions from congressional committee members with some very direct answers.
“The president told the White House staff secretary, Rob Porter, to try to pressure [Don] McGahn to make a false denial. Is that correct?” Democratic Rep. Karen Bass of California asked Mr. Mueller.
“That’s correct,” he replied.
“So it’s fair to say the President tried to protect himself by asking staff to falsify records relevant to an ongoing investigation?” Democratic Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana pressed.
“I would say that’s generally a summary,” Mueller replied.
“The President’s attempt to get McGahn to create a false written record were related to Mr. Trump’s concerns about your obstruction of justice inquiry, correct?” Mr. Richmond continued.
“I believe that to be true,” Mr. Mueller said.
So, in just that exchange alone, the Mueller testimony laid out a clear-cut case of obstruction of justice by Donald Trump with factual evidence to back it up. However, Mr. Mueller does not have the authority to indict or impeach Trump — or to even recommend it. That is the job of Congress and they now have a huge chunk of information to use against ‘The Donald’ in whatever way they see fit.
Almost like clockwork, Donald Trump appeared before the media after the Mueller testimony and predictably attempted to turn the days’ lemons into lemonade.
“This has been a very bad thing for our country,” Trump told reporters shortly after Mueller concluded his testimony. He also declared the hearing an “embarrassment and waste of time” for the American people.
“The performance was obviously not very good. He had a lot of problems,” Trump continued. “This was a devastating day for Democrats.”
Flanked by committee chairmen Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and Elijah Cummings, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke to the media and gave a slight indication of where her party may be heading with these hearings.
“We didn’t expect to hear from Robert Redford; we expected to hear from Robert Mueller.” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D), Judiciary Committee
She acknowledged that although many Democrats are anxious to launch impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, it is important and even critical to construct an air-tight case first before treading down that road. The underlying message appeared to be a call for patience as the House continues to try and force testimonies from Don McGahn and other Trump associates The White House has blocked from making an appearance.
In conclusion, the Mueller testimony was never going to be a “gotcha” day against Donald Trump. Robert Mueller was never going to tell Congress to impeach Donald Trump. Donald Trump was never going to do anything but spin the day into a win for Donald Trump. However, if a successful impeachment of Trump is indeed on the horizon, Wednesday’s hearing turned out to be a very important piece of the puzzle the Democrats are carefully constructing.
Now, let’s be clear. Even IF the Democratically-controlled House of Representatives were to win impeachment against Donald Trump, the Senate must also vote in favor of the proposal in order for it to be adopted. Additionally, even IF both houses of Congress were to vote to impeach Trump, impeachment does not mean automatic removal from office (former President Bill Clinton was impeached following the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but still remained in office). Further, even IF Trump is impeached and removed from office (or steps down), President Mike Pence would become our new reality.
So, the theme of the day is to trust in Nancy Pelosi. She is not rushing to judgment or racing to launch an impeachment case she knows she can’t win (yet). If anything, she appears deeply focused on building the strongest case she can construct while simultaneously getting Trump AND Pence out of the White House via the 2020 election process.
Very good summary DJ (bordering on *great* summary) but you being the kind of man you are IMO your post is much too kind to Mueller. But I’ll get to him in my follow-up.
I only caught a few minutes of his testimony (here and there) in real time yesterday. However, I’ve watched several extended highlights of it.
In short-I think you’ve broken it all down beautifully and (more importantly)…accurately based on The Facts.
You asked: “So, did it move the needle and the country toward or against Donald Trump?”
Hmm. Maybe marginally Against Trump…but just marginally. No big shift in either direction.
Okay here’s my take on Mueller…….
Some regular readers may recall my initial response after the investigation “officially” ended (and We learned that Mueller HADN’T even investigated Donnie Jr for his role in the whole Russia-Trump connection). The so-called “Mueller Report” was released shortly thereafter and I was absolutely done. I had reached the ONLY conclusion that made sense to me: After wasting TWO years and $25 Million tax-payer dollars, in the end, Mueller had shown himself to be old and NOT fit for the job in the first place.
Re; Mueller’s testimony yesterday
After observing Mueller’s demeanor and actively listening to his responses (and Failure to adequately respond) to numerous questions put to him, I’m sorry to say that I feel my initial take on him was confirmed (sigh)!
Honestly, based on his performance yesterday, I believe it very probable that Mueller is affected by some moderate cognitive decline. And IF….IF I’m right then there is NO way that Mueller didn’t know it. And there is NO way that the people closest to him (who spent real time around him) didn’t know it. Trust and believe, the signs were there.
I’ll conclude with this…………..
In keeping with what I believe is most likely happening with Mueller, I’ll also add that I now do NOT believe that Mueller actually oversaw the day-to-day undertaking of the investigation. Frankly, I don’t think he was up to it physically or mentally. Nor do I believe that he drafted most of that report.
I believe that members of his staff, especially those he truly trusted (his inner circle), did most of the work in all aspects.
Please note: I could be completely wrong about ALL that I’ve expressed about Robert Mueller(?)
But I don’t think so.
Wow! Just saw this (and I’m no fan of either Joy Reid or Micheal Moore but on this We agree).
MSNBC host Joy Reid said Mueller looked “old and feeble” during his testimony. And director Michael Moore called him a “frail old man”.
“A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions,” Moore tweeted on Wednesday. “I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today – All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on,” he raged.
The Washington Post summed up Mueller’s appearance as simply: “an old man in a charcoal suit who didn’t want to talk.” H/t: SandraRose
I did notice he was not all that sharp and in control like we were led to believe by his reputation. I saw him shaking and his lips quivering too. But that does not mean he could not do a job running the whole thing. He had some of the best people available and they did come up with a lot to use against Trump. I think this is why he has been so quiet and did not say much or even want to talk to congress at all.
SandraRose Reader:
Watching that sh*tshow was the political equivalent of hitting yourself in the face with a hammer and blaming the hammer because you have a headache. Jesus…we are doomed no matter what. […]
SandraRose Reader:
That was so pointless. He could have saved hours of everyone’s time and just made one statement: “I have nothing to add to the report I released.” The end.
It’s clear 1) he didn’t know what was going on, 2) he was only tangentially involved in that report if at all , 3) the whole thing was and is a sham, and 4) Dems are being led by idiots. There are legitimate things they could attack Trump on (nepotism for example), but instead they choose stupid things that are going nowhere. Maybe they should have chosen the Black guy to lead the DNC over the Hispanic guy they chose (have Black voters forgotten their beloved Dems did this? They have really dumb people leading them to another embarrassing loss to Trump next year. […]
I have been waiting to get to this all day. I want to cosign Truth and say this is a good summary of the whole thing. If anybody did not watch it this was a good read that point out all the highlights. Now I want to get to Muller. My first take on him is he kept it all independent and did not try to take sides one way or another. Trump is looking for a way to say Muller is against him so I am glad Muller did not give him anything to make that seem true. Muller also did not seem all that informed but with a operation this big he can’t know everything. My big take away from this is like DJ said. Muller admitted Trump did some things they can not arrest him for right now but they can later. I took that to mean he is guilty otherwise why is there anything they can get him on later?
Hey BD…there you are! I wondered where you were all day!
Always interested in hearing your thoughts my friend even when we don’t necessarily agree…lol.
Got very little work done today at my job…was mostly hanging out here the whole day. But “it’s all good” as they say.
I would not be adverse to pouching Mueller in the face if we happened to run into one another. he bent over backwards not to offend trump or show any impartiality. He could have answered some of those questions without being so careful
What did people expect, Mueller to call for Trump’s impeachment right on the spot? Use your heads people. Quit looking for Mueller to be the savior and end Trump’s presidency. Not gonna happen.
Point of clarity: Personally, I never expected Mueller to be the “Savior” of anyone or ANY party.
But WE (ALL of America) were repeatedly told by darn near everyone in the media (e.g. CNN, MSNBC) that WE could put Our trust in Mueller to carry out the most critical task in an impartial, capable AND competent manner.
I think the results bare out the truth…he was NONE of that.
Oh and I’m with Pelosi on this – I don’t want to see Trump impeached (Nadler is a pest who should go have 2 seats and Shut.Up) I’d rather see Trump go to prison.
I agree with you & your article! I am one of the 3% of all American’s who read the entire Mueller Report ahead of time! I believe Chapter II is a much easier, faster read! For anyone going to read it now…read Chapter II first & then go back to Chapter (I) on the interferences of our election. Chapter I mentions many names you may not be familiar with… Chapter II in my opinion lays out 10 obstruction of justice points against #45 all of which I believe are true & that #45 is Guilty of obstructing! I hope Nancy Pelosi gets Don McGahn to
“Sing like a Canary” sooner than later! 💙🇺🇸