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There’s  trouble in Michele Bachmann-land!

The former top tier Republican presidential candidate, who now ranks close to the bottom of the bunch, just experienced political mutiny in her New Hampshire office. Every single one of her staffers quit in frustration, saying they were deceived and treated as second-class citizens by the national Bachmann for President organization.

In a news release, the 5 former staffers said they could not continue working for Bachmann because her national campaign team had been “rude, unprofessional, dishonest, and at times cruel” to them and “abrasive, discourteous, and dismissive” of the state’s voters.

“These are our neighbors and our friends, and some within the national team treated them more as a nuisance than as potential supporters,” the group wrote. The staffers also said they all had been full-time, paid employees until September 11th, when they were asked to temporarily go “off payroll” due to financial concerns.

It’s certainly not a good sign when your entire local staff of one of the very first primary states quits, and there are “financial concerns” before a single vote is cast.  Oh, how much longer can Michele Bachmann remain in the race before her campaign implodes?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. <span>If I may DJ? I'd like to modify your first sentence just a little so that it reads:   "There's trouble in Michelle Bachmann." Period.   When the people working for you describe you as “rude, unprofessional, DISHONEST, and at times cruel” to them and “abrasive, discourteous, and dismissive” of votersyou know you've got a real *gem* on your hands.    Add to that: The woman is, IMO, quite mentally *disturbed" and you've got the makings of a DISASTER </span><span>running for ANY elected office, let alone, running for President of the United States!?! PUHLEEZE. <rolling><span>my eyes>   But this gross dark comedy, in the form of "Bachmann for President" speaks to an even more gross dark Comedy of just what the GOP has become.    Take a good look at ALL of the GOP "Presidential" candidates. Hunstman may be the ONLY candidate worth a dime outta the whole lot. But that ain't saying much because the "bar" for what's considered an "acceptable" Presidential candidate among the Repubs has NOT only been lowered to a 50 ft sink-hole level…it's been mangeld to the point where Huntsman stands absolutely NO chance of winning the nomination. Meanwhile, Cain the "pizza" guy APPEARS to be either tied with (or ahead of) Mitt "the CONSTANT shape-shifter" and all other Repub contenders, including Perry (blank stare) AND Newt, AND Ron Paul AND Santorum (blank stare AND sigh).      Btw: Have you seen Cain's latest "smoking" ad??? Lol. That guy is PLAYING his supporters (and make no mistake about it, he IS playing his supporters) much like Palin plays her's. But I digress.   The truth is, Bachmann's presidential run was over BEFORE it ever got started.    And frankly at this point I feel the same can be said of ALL of the GOP Presidential candidates.</span></rolling></span>

  2. And a related story making the rounds in the political blogosphere….You know there are HUGE problems in GOP-land when even Pat Robertson thinks the GOP has gone too far to the right!Roberson: Oct 24, 2011I believe it was Lyndon Johnson that said, ‘Don’t these people realize if they push me over to an extreme position I’ll lose the election? And I’m the one who will be supporting what they want but they’re going to make it so I can’t <span>win</span>.’ Those people in the Republican primary have got to lay off of this stuff. They’re forcing their leaders, the frontrunners, into positions that will mean they lose <span>the general</span> election. Now whether this did it to Cain I don’t know, but nevertheless, you appeal to the narrow base and they’ll applaud the daylights out of what you’re saying and then you hit the general election and they say ‘no way’ and then the Democrat, whoever it is, is going to just play these statements to the hilt. They’ve got to stop this! It’s just so counterproductive!…Well, if they want to lose, this is the game for losers. [….]Video: Right-wing Watch

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