Narcissistic Trump Ego Unleashed In Dayton, El Paso
What’s the matter with ‘Narcissistic Trump?’ No, this is not a rhetorical question. I am genuinely asking if ANYONE has even an inkling of an idea regarding what the hell is wrong with Donald Trump??
Current Events
In times of national crisis, both Republican and Democratic president’s have always risen to the occasion to provide comfort and compassion to a grieving nation. Republican and Democratic president’s alike.
Not Donald Trump.
As he boarded Air Force One to travel to Dayton and El Paso last week to meet with victims and first responders following the tragic shooting deaths of 31 Americans, Donald Trump didn’t go as the Consoler-In-Chief. No! He went as the self-centered, egotistical, “Hey Look At Me! I’m Important” wannabe somebody (but is not) that he is.
Donald Trump traveled to the murder scenes of Dayton and El Paso, but instead of making the trip about those who died, those who were injured, those who saved lives, and those who are still grieving, he made each visit all about HIM!
While speaking to the victims and their families, Narcissistic Trump apparently morphed into an opera singer — because all anyone heard from his mouth was “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me!”
“Look at this group of people, can you believe this? I was here three months ago, we made a speech,” Trump told the crowd of first responders and recuperating shooting victims. “And we had a — what was the name of the arena? That place was packed, right?” he said while showing ZERO empathy toward anyone.
Yes, Trump was in front of a predominately Hispanic crowd boasting about the huge anti-immigrant/anti-Hispanic rally he held in El Paso not long before one of his followers decided to act on the Trump rhetoric and shoot Mexicans.
“Your husband is grinning like a game show contestant and giving a ‘thumbs up’ next to a baby orphaned during another mass murder. If you had normal human empathy you’d realize how horribly odd this is.” – Anonymous tweet to Melania Trump
“That was some crowd, and we had twice the number outside,” Trump continued. “And then you had this crazy Beto. Beto had, like, 400 people in a parking lot. They said, ‘His crowd was wonderful,’” he bragged while choosing to take political pot-shots during what should have been a moment of humility and healing.
“On the day of the vote, they say, ‘What happened, what happened?’” Trump added. “I want to thank everybody. How do we get some kind of a picture here?”
And then, what happened next should make anyone vomit.
Donald Trump grinned from ear to ear, gave the “thumbs up,” then posed for a photo op with the now-orphaned child of Jordan and Andre Anchondo, who were both killed during the El Paso massacre.
Neither Donald nor Melania bothered to even look at the child, let alone recognize that the circumstances he will now have to live his parentless life under did not warrant a “thumbs up.” Surely, the face of the Hispanic woman standing next to the oblivious Trump’s speaks for us all.
What type of clueless monster travels to a crime scene, then opts to grab a few grinning selfies with a baby whose parents were both killed by a murderer who admitted to acting on the very anti-Hispanic racist rhetoric YOU encouraged?
Donald ‘Narcissistic’ Trump, that’s who.
“This photo isn’t emblematic of what’s truly wrong with Trump’s kakistocratic administration, but it is emblematic of the fact that he is clearly mentally unwell, so deeply in the grips of narcissistic personality disorder that he can smile and thumbs-up his way through a profoundly tragic moment. His supporters and shoulder-shruggers might look at this photo today and chalk it up to Trump being Trump, but the rest of us see what history will judge: he’s a sociopath with no capacity for empathy.” Rhonda Garelick, The Cut
Only moments after boarding Air Force One and departing El Paso, Trump made sure to get in one last ego-boosting tweet about all the “love, respect & enthusiasm” he was shown and how the “Fake News worked overtime trying to disparage me.”
With that sort of crazed and delusional performance, forget about impeachment proceedings. It may be time to invoke the 25th Amendment!
I don’t know who Rhonda Gorelick is but she said it right. Trump is clearly mentally unwell, so deeply in the grips of narcissistic personality. He is a sociopath with no capacity for empathy.” I really do believe Trump has a mental problem. Plus he is always concerned about size so there is a clue. The pic with the baby is so wrong it is too deep to even go into; The sooner we can get this nut case out the better we will all be. One day our grandkids are going to look back at us and wonder how did we ever let this fool in. Just sick.
(CNN)John Oliver was not impressed by President Donald Trump’s response to the recent mass shootings.
The host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” dedicated much of Sunday’s show to Trump’s visits to El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, in the wake of last weekend’s mass shootings there. (HBO and CNN share parent company WarnerMedia.)
Oliver cited Trump boasting about the crowds who greeted him and putting his thumb up in a photo with an infant orphaned in the shootings as symbolic of the President’s “pathological lack of empathy.”
“Wow,” the host said. “Look, we all know how much Trump struggles to do the bare minimum of being a president, but it’s still genuinely shocking just how much he struggles to do the bare minimum of being a f***ing person.”
“Just consider the thought process that happened there,” Oliver added. “He visited a hospital filled with victims of a mass shooting and thought to himself, ‘Remember that other time when I was the center of attention and it was better?’ And then he thought, ‘Do you think anyone else remembers that?’ Then he thought, ‘I should remind them, right?’ Then he thought, ‘Great idea!'”