Comments on: National School Walkout Coast To Coast News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 26 Mar 2018 07:53:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Thu, 15 Mar 2018 22:44:10 +0000 CNN:
Amariah Matos wasn’t happy.

She was told that when class let out Thursday, she’d have to spend three extra hours in school — serving detention.

She’d have to do that again Friday and on Monday.

That’s the price 16-year-old Amariah and 35 others at Lindenhurst High in New York were told they’d paying for walking out of class during the National School Walkout on Wednesday.

In her case, a last-minute request from the New York governor spurred school administrators to wipe the punishment off their slates.

But aross the country, students faced a similar reality for their bout of activism.

South Carolina’s largest school district said it’d reprimand about 530 students for cutting class. More than 200 students in Allentown, Pennsylvania, will serve Saturday detentions. And in Georgia’s Cobb County, students were told they could face up to five days’ suspension.

“Obviously those that walked, accepted that. Those that didn’t, could not accept those consequences,” said Rich Pellegrino with the Cobb County branch of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).

The group said it’s standing by with legal resources to help students who feel they were punished unfairly.

By: DJ Thu, 15 Mar 2018 22:00:34 +0000 My sincere apologies to Truthiz1 and Mr. BD for your comments sitting in moderation today. It was a technical glitch that should have never happened. I will certainly keep an eye out to make sure it doesn’t happen again!

– DJ

By: Mr.BD Thu, 15 Mar 2018 21:45:47 +0000 I am so impressed by these young people I don’t know what to do. They seem like they are not going to take no for an answer on this and not let this story be forgotten. Plus they are out there registering people to vote? This is the first young generation in a long time to take so much interest in political action. Even if they don’t get the gun control they want right away I can already see them running for office one day or taking on other issues. I don’t know what will end up happening but I have to agree with Truth. If anybody can get this done this is the first group I am starting to believe can.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 15 Mar 2018 15:31:19 +0000 DJ: “…politicians have now been put on notice by students who were willing to march in the streets to force a change to America’s sick obsession with guns.”

“America’s SICK obsession with guns.” That right there is the Truth and nothing but the Truth.

Add to that sickness -the EASY and Unfettered ACCESS to all types of guns and you’ve pin-pointed THE reason why Our country, The United States of America, is the ONLY “Civilized” nation ON EARTH affected by rampant gun violence. This AIN’T rocket science!

“7,000 children’s shoes laid out on Capitol lawn to honor lives lost to gun violence”

Seven thousand pairs of children’s shoes were lined up on the southeast lawn of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., Tuesday in memory of every child who has died due to gun violence, the global advocacy organization Avaaz, who coordinated the display, said.

The 7,000 shoes in the “Monument for our Kids” installment represent every child that was killed by gunfire since the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, according to Avaaz. […] – ABC News


By: Truthiz1 Thu, 15 Mar 2018 14:50:18 +0000 Thanks DJ for covering this! I think it’s such an incredible story unfolding.

Those young people were/are quite amazing….especially those like the young man who was the only one in his school to walk out! I am so impressed with the Courage displayed by ALL of the students who bravely participated in the “Walk Out” for gun reform, which included the “younginz” in my own family.

On a personal note – I do not have children but I am a mighty proud *Aunt*…lol And I marvel at what their generation is doing. The upcoming “March For Our Lives” in DC on March 24th will be strong indicator of just how United AND determined that youth-led movement really is.

DJ asked: “Could this be the chosen generation that pulls a “David and Goliath” and finally topples the NRA and forces gun reform?”

Time will tell. But I’ve gotta say, I’m really beginning to believe that the answer is …..YES!
