Is Black History Month Still Necessary?
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Black History Week was founded in 1926 by famed African-American historian Carter G. Woodson, then later upgraded to Black History Month in 1976, meant to occur every February. During the 1970’s, Black History Month was like a new toy and widely observed in African-American culture, along with Kwanzaa and other celebrations of Black America. However, somewhere down the line these cultural celebrations fell off. But why?
Like Kwanzaa, Black History Month is a somewhat confusing cultural celebration. Selected to occur during the shortest and one of the coldest months of the year, what does one do to honor Black History during the one month of February? What should one do?
In actuality, Black History Month is an “unnecessary necessity.” Or in other words, having a dedicated month of Black History that very few people actually observe — until the next February — is a futile and formal exercise of “going through the motions.” The celebration and education of Black History should not be confined to one month, but should be observed throughout the year. Americans don’t just say “God Bless America” during July or only on Independence Day…they say it year round. So, why can’t African-Americans do the same with Black History Month??
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And so, ask yourself these very important questions: Did you observe Black History Month yourself? Did anyone you know observe Black History Month? Did this February just come and go as usual, or did you even take a moment to realize and recognize this as the month dedicated to Black History?
As this February of 2014 comes to a close, the question remains: Is Black History Month still necessary? Or is it time we stopped limiting such important history to one very short month out of the year and started honoring it EVERY day of the year?
Black history is necessary more than ever. It is a time for Blacks to embrace, celebrate, and learn about their own history in a society that lies and denies your very existence and everything that they have done to you.
In a country that celebrates the people who stole it but constantly but a negative image and lie about the people they stole and forced to come and work and build this country up for free.
(Talk about welfare…And you wonder why they are so prosperous it is Not hard work but stolen, forced, and unpaid labor.)
A society that mocks and jokes lynchings and murders of black people then and now. Do we still need black history month, yes.
You have so many black people male and female getting treatments to lighten their skin, change their eyes to blue, green, light brown, and wearing weaves.
Celebrating anyone else history but their own. Fighting for others rights but not their own. All ways got another race fight in your mouth but you don't have your own rights.
Yes black history is need more than ever this is what Carter G Woodson was trying to prevent
And let me add always trying to date or marry some other then themselves so that they have children that is light skinned and look nothing like them.
Yes, Hell Yes, you need Black history month and it needs to be expanded on a daily basis. Teach your children and young relatives the truth. The truth doesn't set you back it sets you free.
Black saves busted out of slavery and went to the highest parts of this society. And they were eventually blocked but they never stopped fighting.
Learn your history not someone else take on your history. Learn what really happened and then you will over come it.
I think the point of this story is Black history shouldn't be only one month but all the months. The pic above says it all. Black history is *American* history. I agree with DJ here.
Black is a part of this country but this country denies you and more importantly many blacks deny themselves.
And that is why I said before in one of my previous comments that Black History it needs to be taught on a daily basis to black men, women, and children.
I don't care if America celebrates it because I know they are not. But black Americans should definitely be celebrating it and learning it 24/7.
This country is erasing our history from the text books Look at Texas school books. You can forget America picking up the true history of this country and running with it. So, get busy and learn it and celebrate it for yourselves.
"I think the point of this story is Black history shouldn't be only one month but all the months."
I agree wholeheartedly.
Great post DJ. Very well said.
DJ your spot on Black History should be celebrated all year along and not just assigned to the shortest month in the calendar. Our American History includes Black, Native American, Chinese, etc History and we should treat each with the respect it deserves.
I could never understand growing up why their was Black History month. I thought why can't we celebrate and learn about Black History every month. Hell, not I'm a grownup and I still don't understand why we have one month to celebrate Amercian History (because Black History is American History). I like to learn about history every month.
Black History is something I teach my kids everyday because you know what they are making history everyday. I teach them that our History is important and that we should remember,embrace,learn from and most importantly be better. So when their kids our older they can look at history and say wow look at what we've accomplished.