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Navarro Warned Trump About COVID-19 In January

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A recently revealed memo from Trade Advisor Peter Navarro has the potential to completely unravel the Donald Trump presidency and his claims that he was completely unaware of the magnitude of the COVID-19 virus.

Top News Today
Donald Trump has consistently claimed that “no one could have predicted” the coronavirus would become such a devastating pandemic. However, his own trade advisor Peter Navarro not only predicted it but even warned ‘The Donald’ that the virus would be historical and of epic proportions.


According to a stunning exposé from The New York Times, Navarro delivered a memo to the West Wing in late January warning that the coming coronavirus could cost the United States trillions of dollars and put millions of Americans at risk of illness or death.

“The lack of immune protection or an existing cure or vaccine would leave Americans defenseless in the case of a full-blown coronavirus outbreak on US soil,” the memo said. “This lack of protection elevates the risk of the coronavirus evolving into a full-blown pandemic, imperiling the lives of millions of Americans.”

Navarro emphasized that the “risk of a worst-case pandemic scenario should not be overlooked” given the information coming from China.  Then, in a second memo dated February 23rd, he warned of an “increasing probability of a full-blown COVID-19 pandemic that could infect as many as 100 million Americans, with a loss of life of as many as 1.2 million souls.”


The memo was first sent to the National Security Council and then distributed to several officials throughout the Trump administration.  It then made its way to the West Wing and the desk of then-acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.

Trump’s initial response to the impending coronavirus threat was to downplay it as nothing more than the simple flu.  He then pivoted to using the virus as a political weapon. joining his buddies at Fox News by claiming it was all a hoax by the Democrats to ruin his reelection hopes.  However, instead of tackling the pandemic at its first warning sign, Trump opted to play golf most weekends and push his own made-up narrative that it would all miraculously disappear without a whimper — losing nearly 3 months of valuable response time that has now cost lives and a ruined economy.

Donald Trump claimed no one saw this coming.  Now, the Navarro memo has proven that ‘The Donald’ is nothing more than a shyster, a con man, and an outright liar.


OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Navarro memo proves Trump is lying about COVID-19.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Thanks for this DJ. More confirmation that a dangerous fool occupies the White House and HE has brought this entire nation to this sorrowful and Unprecedented place WE find ourselves today.

    His incompetence, ignorance and depravity are on full display for ALL of America and the entire world to see. And I pray HE will someday soon be held accountable for it.

    Trump, the craven sycophants that make up his administration AND the Repub leadership are Undeniably the greatest threat to Our nation. No other threat comes even close in my opinion.

  2. Some U.S. officials have repeatedly likened the coronavirus outbreak to a “military struggle” and that dangerous fool in the WH actually suggested he’s a “wartime president”….so let’s look at THIS grim military-related Truth and Fact:

    ‘10,000 dead of coronavirus in USA, more fatalities than six wars combined’

    [The USA reached a grim milestone in its fight against the coronavirus Monday: More than 10,000 people have died of COVID-19 in the nation.

    That total surpasses the number of battle deaths from six U.S. wars combined, according to data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

    VA data says a total of 9,961 soldiers died on the battlefield during these six wars: The American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, Indian Wars, Spanish-American War and Desert Shield/Desert Storm.] – USA Today, April 6, 2020

  3. We all knew he was lying but now here is the proof. The sad part is all these people that died might still be alive if this orange clown had done his job. All he had to do was take the thing serious in January and start preparing. Instead he wasted all those months making up conspiracy stories about the Dems. He takes everything so personal its a wonder we cannot see through his thin skin. To make up for the blood on his hands I cannot wait until he is out of office and they slap the handcuffs on this fool.

    1. “…the blood on his hands….” -BD

      That. Right there. …”the blood on HIS hands.”

      People have DIED. And a lot more people WILL die because of the Criminal Negligence of that fool. He MUST be held accountable in a court of law.

      But to Our shame and utter disgrace as a nation, I don’t believe he’ll ever be charged with even one count. Not one….smh (sigh)!

  4. ‘Black Americans Face Alarming Rates of Coronavirus Infection in Some States’

    In Louisiana, one of the states most devastated by the coronavirus, about 70 percent of the people who have died are African-American, officials announced on Monday, though only a third of the state’s population is black.

    In the county around Milwaukee, where 27 percent of residents are black, nearly twice as many African-American residents tested positive for the virus as white people, figures released this week show.

    And in Chicago, where African-American residents make up a little less than a third of the population, more than half of those found to have the virus are black. The death toll there is even more alarming: African-American residents make up 72 percent of those who have succumbed to the virus in Chicago. […] New York Times, April, 7, 2020

    Full Read:

  5. NYT Reader:
    I wonder if most Americans will ever know that as a New Zealander I become embarrassed listening to Trump. I’m embarrassed for the whole country. This, this man is your president? […]

    TAC Reader:
    America, you simply look insane to people on the outside anymore. Rude, corrupt, tasteless, arrogant, and lacking all guiding principles except your establishment’s self-interest. […]

    NR Reader:
    You wanted a toxic, authoritarian, pathological liar with no morals; a megalomaniac and an idiot.

    You wanted a reality show celebrity president with no political experience. You just didn’t realize the reality show would be “Survivor.” -[…]

  6. BREAKING: ‘Trump removes independent watchdog for coronavirus funds, upending oversight panel’

    “The move comes as Trump makes a broad push against inspectors general scrutinizing his actions.”

    [Donald Trump has upended the panel of federal watchdogs overseeing implementation of the $2 trillion coronavirus law, tapping a replacement for the Pentagon official who was supposed to lead the effort.

    A panel of inspectors general had named Glenn Fine — the acting Pentagon watchdog — to lead the group charged with monitoring the coronavirus relief effort. But Trump on Monday removed Fine from his post, instead naming the EPA inspector general to serve as the temporary Pentagon watchdog in addition to his other responsibilities.] – Politico, April 7, 2020

    H/T: MSNBC

    1. Whoa, this can’t be legal. Didn’t the Democrats include a watchdog in the bill he signed?

  7. Re: ‘Trump removes independent watchdog for coronavirus funds, upending oversight panel’

    Politico Reader:
    [Senate Sycophants gave him a pass {on impeachment}. Sadly, he’s now guilty of reckless endangerment of American lives I crimes against humanities for his late & inadequate response to this killer virus. Seems he owns a wee bit of stock in Hydroxychloroquine, which is why he’s pushing it against medical advice.

    As soon as this crisis passes, it’s time for Impeachment II. He’ll like that. It will go down in the ‘annals of history.’ ]

    Politico Reader:
    If Putin was President he couldn’t do a better job of destroying America..I guess if you can get away with wiping your ass with the Constitution anything is possible!! – […]

  8. In the last 24 hours we’ve learned his top Trade Adviser sent a memo in January warning of trillions of dollars of money loss and millions of projected death and the White House didn’t do anything and now here we are with NY having the largest death toll in one day and Trump is pushing a drug that he has financial interest in…. THIS is the vision Trump laid out in his inaugural speech. This is the carnage he spoke of. I believe words matter and much of what he’s spoken has manifested for the worst of these… keep watching… wash your hands but keep watching….

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