Comments on: NBC News Suspends Brian Williams News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:52:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Thu, 12 Feb 2015 14:38:10 +0000 To say nothing of *Other* stories that Brian Williams may have "misremembered" (to the bolstering of his own image)….if not out-and-out LIED being scrutinized. For example- his claims of having seen a body or bodies floating past him during his coverage of Katrina; and him and his camera crew being surrounded by (Black) gangs during Katrina.

People who were actually in Nawlins at the time _and had first-hand knowledge of whether BW's Katrina claims were true are now stepping forward and saying that NO SUCH THING HAPPENED…in either case.

At this point it appears that at best….BW has a chronic case of "misremembering" stuff that NEVER happened.

At worst, he's the perfect example of what passes for Much of the so-called "News" reporting from American manstream and cable news media since, at least the Bush/Cheney administration LIED this country into an Unjust war against a nation of people who did absolutely NOTHING to Us to warrant such DEADLY action visited upon them.

I say – BW figured he'd just make sh*t up as he went along betting that No One would be the wiser and/or they just wouldn't care.
