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While many states throughout the country have chosen to legalize same-sex marriage, North Carolina took a critical step yesterday to assure their state won’t be one of them.

In a nail biter of a vote yesterday, North Carolina voters approved a state constitutional amendment declaring marriage as solely between one man and one woman, solidifying a state law in place banning same-sex marriage.  The new amendment means same-sex marriages, civil unions and all domestic partnerships will not be recognized in the state.

The measure to amend the state’s constitution made its way on the ballot after Republicans took control of the State Legislature in the 2010 elections for the first time in 140 years. Supporters of the amendment, including the 93-year-old Rev. Billy Graham and the conservative Family Research Council, argued the amendment was needed to block legal challenges to the state law.  Gay Rights groups fought back, fielding automated recorded phone calls from former president Bill Clinton urging voters to defeat the measure.  But in the end, conservatives and their emotion-filled wish to constitutionally block gay marriage in the State of North Carolina and deal a setback to gay-rights advocates has come true.

Currently, 6 states and the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriages.  Yesterday’s vote means North Carolina now becomes the 30th state with such a constitutional provision.


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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And sadly, what I feared MIGHT happen actually DID happen and NO DOUBT played a MAJOR role in the passing of that absolutely Hateful and discriminatory bill…Black-Americans in North Carolina overwhelmingly voted FOR it. MSNBC: "North Carolina OKs constitutional same-sex marriage ban"With all of the state's 100 counties reporting, the amendment won in a landslide, with 61 percent of the vote.One noteworthy pattern was that some majority black counties which had strongly backed President Obama in 2008 just as strongly supported the proposed amendment on Tuesday.For example, Hertford County, with a 60 percent black population, voted for Obama with 70 percent in 2008 and <span>on Tuesday 70 percent of its voters backed the constitutional amendment</span> defining marriage.And Halifax County, with a 53 percent black population, voted for Obama with 64 percent in 2008 and <span>backed the amendment with 68 percent of its votes</span>.  […]Read:…In other words, a sizeable number  of North Carolinian Blacks are *in bed*… Read more »


<span>TDB: "Obama: ‘Disappointed’ in N.C. Vote"   President Obama issued a statement late Tuesday that he is “disappointed” that North Carolina passed Amendment One, which will add a line to the state’s Constitution declaring that marriage between a man and a woman is the “only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized.”   Read:…</span><span> Uh-huh. Well with all due respect to the President, on this issue HE's hardly shown himself to be a profile in Courage. Perhaps the people who support this amendment will, in time, "evolve" just as the President now claims he's "evolving"..?/sarc   </span>


….a Quote for thought…"if you don’t want the convictions of your Muslim neighbor to be forced on your through the laws of the state, you should not force your Christian convictions on your neighbor through that mechanism.In this case, the issues tied to the amendment as I understand it (and I may be wrong here) extend far beyond what we dealt with in Prop 8 in California. Not only does this amendment forbid marriage, it forbids the state’s acknowledging of any other sort of domestic partnership."                                    J.R. Danile Kirk, Professor at Fuller SeminaryRead:…1st: I'm a Christian and this amendment in NO way, shape, or form represents My convictions.In fact, NO form of bigotry or discrimination is in line with My Christian upbringing.2nd: To the best of My knowledge there is NO way to poison a little of the well-water without poisoning the ENTIRE well. As Kirk noted, this poisonous bill will effect HETEROSEXUAL partners,… Read more »


<span>"if you don’t want the convictions of your Muslim neighbor to be forced on your through the laws of the state, you should not force your Christian convictions on your neighbor through that mechanism.  </span>Truth you just hit it right on the head. See this is the part about christianity thats so hypicritical. They don't want anybody forcing their religious views on them but they turn right around and force theirs on everybody else. North Carolina just took five steps backward on this one.


FINALLY! …(and it's about darn time)…."Obama: 'I think same-sex couples should be able to get married' "4:50 p.m. ET- President Barack Obama endorsed the right of same-sex couples to marry on Wednesday, a landmark pronouncement made in light of mounting pressure from gay rights advocates.Obama became the first U.S. president to back the right of gay and lesbian couples to marry, a reversal from views expressed during the 2008 campaign, when he said he opposed same-sex marriage but favored civil unions as an alternative.Obama told ABC News that, after reflection, he had "concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married." […]Read:…You've made history Mr. President. THIS will serve you well.


i congradulate obama on having the balls to do what mitt never would. he did a big thing.

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