Current Events
We’ve all heard the old saying “NEVER SAY NEVER.” But apparently that old adage doesn’t apply to Hillary Rodham Clinton. The current Secretary of State and former presidential candidate has now officially gone on record regarding any future runs for the White House. Appearing on NBC’s MEET THE PRESS, Mrs. Clinton was hard-pressed by host David Gregory. When asked directly if she would run again, Mrs. Clinton said “Well, you know, I say no, never, you know, not at all. I don’t know what, what else to say.” So if we are to take Secretary Clinton at her word, she has run her first and last race for President of the United States. But what about Vice-President Joe Biden? Hmmm….
Hillary is as ambitious as her husband! No doubt there are moments when she still finds herself coming to grips with the Unimaginable, the Clinton "machine", DEFEATED by an AFRICAN-American Senator from Illinois, with a "funny name", relatively UNKNOWN by the American people, as of 2 years ago, and NOW he’s the FIRST African-American President in U.S. history AND perhaps the most recognizable face in the world?!I mean_just how many people would have predicted such a thing 2 years ago???So yes, I believe she means it NOW when she says "No never" again. But whether she’ll still feel that way as Obama's 2ND term draws to a successful end?Well_lol_ we shall see?